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Simulation and performance prediction of partially naturally fractured reservoirs under solution gas drive primary recovery and gas injection processes
Acoustic emission-based numerical simulation of tectonic stress field for tectoclase prediction in shale reservoirs of the northern Guizhou area, China
Numerical Well Test Analysis of Condensate Dropout Effects in Dual-Permeability Model of Naturally Fractured Gas Condensate Reservoirs: Case Studies in the South of Iran
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PorePy: an open-source software for simulation of multiphysics processes in fractured porous media
Impact of Fracture Topology on the Fluid Flow Behavior of Naturally Fractured Reservoirs
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Poroelastic coefficients for anisotropic single and double porosity media
A three‐dimensional enhanced dual‐porosity and dual‐permeability approach for hydromechanical modeling of naturally fractured rocks
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Development and application of three-dimensional discrete fracture network modeling approach for fluid flow in fractured rock masses
Numerical modeling of molecular diffusion and convection effects during gas injection into naturally fractured oil reservoirs
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Effect of geological heterogeneities on reservoir storage capacity and migration of CO2 plume in a deep saline fractured carbonate aquifer
A dual‐porosity model considering the displacement effect for incompressible two‐phase flow
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Foam processes in naturally fractured carbonate oil-wet reservoirs: Technical and economic analysis and optimization
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Fluid Flow Characterization Framework for Naturally Fractured Reservoirs Using Small-Scale Fully Explicit Models
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Anisotropic dual‐continuum representations for multiscale poroelastic materials: Development and numerical modelling
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Parallel implementation of coupled phase equilibrium-mass transfer model: Efficient and accurate simulation of fractured reservoirs
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Hydromechanical modeling of solid deformation and fluid flow in the transversely isotropic fissured rocks
Multiresolution operator decomposition for flow simulation in fractured porous media
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A simplified modelling approach for petroleum recovery by spontaneous imbibition in naturally fractured reservoirs
Developing a workflow to represent fractured carbonate reservoirs for simulation models under uncertainties based on flow unit concept
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A dual porosity model of high-pressure gas flow for geoenergy applications
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Selected Topics of Computational and Experimental Fluid Mechanics
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Development of innovative and efficient hydraulic fracturing numerical simulation model and parametric studies in unconventional naturally fractured reservoirs