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Experimental elucidation of performance of four extracting solvents for reclamation of spent lubricating oil using extraction–flocculation process

Sayantan Sarkar, Deepshikha Datta and Bimal Das
Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy 27 (1) 97 (2025)

Analytical review on potential use of waste engine oil in asphalt and pavement engineering

Zahraa Jwaida, Anmar Dulaimi, Alireza Bahrami, Md Azree Othuman Mydin, Yasin Onuralp Özkılıç, Ramadhansyah Putra Jaya and Yu Wang
Case Studies in Construction Materials 20 e02930 (2024)

Advancing sustainable lubricating oil management: Re-refining techniques, market insights, innovative enhancements, and conversion to fuel

Md Rahatul Islam Sazzad, Md Mizanur Rahman, Tafsirul Hassan, Abdullah Al Rifat, Abdullah Al Mamun, Abidur Rahman Adib, Redoy Masum Meraz and Minhaz Ahmed
Heliyon 10 (20) e39248 (2024)

Development of Lubricants Using Re-Refined Base Stocks—An Effort toward Circular Economy

Swamy Maloth, Ratnadeep S. Joshi, Gopal Swaroop Mishra, Nagesh N. Samant, Sanker Bhadhavath, Sarita Seth, Anil Bhardwaj, Subinoy Paul, Ajay Kumar Arora and Mukul Maheshwari
SAE International Journal of Fuels and Lubricants 18 (2) (2024)

Comprehensive investigation of various re-refining technologies of used lubricating oil: a review

Sayantan Sarkar, Deepshikha Datta, K. S. Deepak, Bikash Kumar Mondal and Bimal Das
Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management 25 (4) 1935 (2023)

Recycling of waste lubricating oil: A review of the recycling technologies with a focus on catalytic cracking, techno-economic and life cycle assessments

K.K. Moses, A. Aliyu, A. Hamza and I.A. Mohammed-Dabo
Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 11 (6) 111273 (2023)

Assessment of the relationship between lubricating oil viscosity and surface-attached adhesion rate via regression modelling

Tanakorn Jantarasricha
Journal of Engineering and Applied Science 70 (1) (2023)

Treatment of spent engine oil (spent SAE W50) via solvent extraction- adsorption process for the production of transfer oil: Physico-chemical properties of the adsorbents

I.J. Ani, U.G. Akpan, B.H. Hameed and J.O. Okafor
Scientific African 20 e01617 (2023)

Sequential optimization of process and supply chains considering re-refineries for oil and gas circularity

Lip Siang Yeo, Sin Yong Teng, Wendy Pei Qin Ng, et al.
Applied Energy 322 119485 (2022)

Utilization of waste transformer oil as a fuel in diesel engine

Pramod N. Belkhode, Vinod N. Ganvir, Anand C. Shende and Sagar D. Shelare
Materials Today: Proceedings 49 262 (2022)

Advancement in Materials, Manufacturing and Energy Engineering, Vol. I

Sayantan Sarkar, Deepshikha Datta, K. S. Deepak and Bimal Das
Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering, Advancement in Materials, Manufacturing and Energy Engineering, Vol. I 535 (2022)

Regeneration of Used Lube Oil by using Solvent Extraction Method

Saurabh Cholke, Sarvesh Tambe, Tejas Tambe, Kartik Dabhade and R. L. Nibe
International Journal of Advanced Research in Science, Communication and Technology 40 (2022)

Advance recovery approach for efficient recovery of waste lubricating oil by different material formulations

Sayantan Sarkar, Deepshikha Datta and Bimal Das
Materials Today: Proceedings 49 1891 (2022)

Recovery and characterization of useful benzene derivatives from spent engine oil through solvent extraction

Muhammad Yaseen, Muhammad Ullah, Sidra Subhan, et al.
Chemical Engineering Research and Design 175 51 (2021)

Kinetics of oil extraction from clay used in the lubricating oil re-refining processes and re-activation of the spent bleaching clay

Bakhtyar K. Aziz, Muhamad A. Abdullah and Stephan Kaufhold
Reaction Kinetics, Mechanisms and Catalysis 132 (1) 347 (2021)

Oil sludge washing with surfactants and co-solvents: oil recovery from different types of oil sludges

Diego Ramirez, Liz J. Shaw and Chris D. Collins
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 28 (5) 5867 (2021)

Synthetic Lubricants Derived from Plastic Waste and their Tribological Performance

Ryan A. Hackler, Kimaya Vyavhare, Robert M. Kennedy, Gokhan Celik, Uddhav Kanbur, Philip J. Griffin, Aaron D. Sadow, Guiyan Zang, Amgad Elgowainy, Pingping Sun, Kenneth R. Poeppelmeier, Ali Erdemir and Massimiliano Delferro
ChemSusChem 14 (19) 4181 (2021)

Investigation of the usage potential of calcium alginate beads functionalized with sodium dodecyl sulfate for wastewater treatment contaminated with waste motor oil

Zeynep Bilici, Yasin Ozay, Bahar Ozbey Unal and Nadir Dizge
Water Environment Research 93 (11) 2623 (2021)

Utilization of Waste Lubricant Oil in Fuel Phase of ANFO Explosives: Its Field Applications and Environmental Impact

Firoj Ali, Murari Prasad Roy, Braj Mohan Pat Pingua, Rajatendu Mukherjee, Lalit Agarwal and Pradeep Kumar Singh
Propellants, Explosives, Pyrotechnics 46 (9) 1397 (2021)

Statistical Model for Re-Refining of Used Lubricating Oil by Solvent Extraction and Bentonite Clay Adsorption Method

Ali Ghufran Khudhur and Zakariya Ibrahim Mohammed
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 978 012027 (2020)

Characterization and Suitability of Reclaimed Automotive Lubricating Oils Reprocessed by Solvent Extraction Technology

Bamiji Z. Adewole, Joshua O. Olojede, Hakeem A. Owolabi and Olaoluwa R. Obisesan
Recycling 4 (3) 31 (2019)

Measurement and correlation of thermophysical properties of waste lubricant oil

C.T. Pinheiro, R.F. Pais, A.G.M. Ferreira, M.J. Quina and L.M. Gando-Ferreira
The Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics 116 137 (2018)

Recent advances in waste lube oils processing technologies

Setyo Widodo, Danu Ariono, Khoiruddin Khoiruddin, Ahmad N. Hakim and I Gede Wenten
Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy 37 (6) 1867 (2018)

The effect of treatment with activated carbon on the metal content in reuse of lubricating oil waste

Riyanto, Tri Astuti Agussetianingrum, Dwi Putri Juliantydjawi, et al.
MATEC Web of Conferences 154 01018 (2018)

Re-refining of used lubricant oil by solvent extraction using central composite design method

Ghassan Rokan Daham, Adnan AbdulJabbar AbdulRazak, Adel Sharif Hamadi and Ayad Ahmed Mohammed
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering 34 (9) 2435 (2017)

Recovery of lubricant base oils using ionic liquid processes

Sue M. Grimes and Feyisetan Thompson
Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Waste and Resource Management 169 (2) 73 (2016)

A novel one-step flocculation method for recycling wasterolling oil

Cheng Liu, Leichang Cao, Peng Ma, et al.
Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects 38 (14) 2043 (2016)

The Adsorption Capability of Reactivated Magnesite for Re-refining Spent Lubricants

M. A. Kamal, S. M. D. Naqvi, S. M. R. Kazimi and F. Khan
Petroleum Science and Technology 33 (10) 1077 (2015)

Application of Iranian nano-porous Ca-bentonite for recovery of waste lubricant oil by distillation and adsorption techniques

Shiva Salem, Amin Salem and Aylin Agha Babaei
Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry 23 154 (2015)

Optimized Liquid-Liquid Extractive Rerefining of Spent Lubricants

Muhammad Ashraf Kamal, Syed Mumtaz Danish Naqvi and Fasihullah Khan
The Scientific World Journal 2014 1 (2014)

Waste lubricating oil treatment by extraction and adsorption

Rafie R. Mohammed, Inaam A.R. Ibrahim, Alladdin H. Taha and Gordon McKay
Chemical Engineering Journal 220 343 (2013)

The Characterization of Indigenous Magnesite: A Prospective Adsorbent for the Re-Refining of Used Lubricating Oil

M. A. Kamal, S. M. D. Naqvi and F. Khan
Petroleum Science and Technology 31 (22) 2348 (2013)

Technology for rerefining used lube oils applied in Europe: a review

Antonina Kupareva, Päivi Mäki‐Arvela and Dmitry Yu. Murzin
Journal of Chemical Technology & Biotechnology 88 (10) 1780 (2013)

A property-integration approach to solvent screening and conceptual design of solvent-extraction systems for recycling used lubricating oils

Houssein A. Kheireddine, Mahmoud M. El-Halwagi and Nimir O. Elbashir
Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy 15 (1) 35 (2013)

Regeneration of Waste Lubricant Oil by Extraction–Flocculation Composite Refining

Xin Yang, Ligong Chen, Shuo Xiang, Liang Li and Di Xia
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 52 (36) 12763 (2013)

New adsorbents based on microemulsion modified diatomite and activated carbon for removing organic and inorganic pollutants from waste lubricants

Mohammad A. Al-Ghouti and Yahya S. Al-Degs
Chemical Engineering Journal 173 (1) 115 (2011)