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Performance of supported Co3O4 catalysts in the preferential oxidation of carbon monoxide: Effect of support type and synthesis method
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Chemical Imaging of Carbide Formation and Its Effect on Alcohol Selectivity in Fischer Tropsch Synthesis on Mn-Doped Co/TiO2 Pellets
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Recent advances in the application of in situ X-ray diffraction techniques to characterize phase transitions in Fischer–Tropsch synthesis catalysts
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A Review of the Use of Carbon Nanostructures and Other Reducing Agents During Auto-reduction for Fischer–Tropsch Synthesis and Other Applications
Crystal plane dependent dispersion of cobalt metal on metastable aluminas
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Insight into the transformation path from fcc-Co to hcp-Co during H2CO H2 processing
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Insight into highly catalytic performance of Co/γ-Al2O3 for ethylene glycol amination: Promotion of catalytic activity of Co by acid sites and base sites
Recent developments in catalyst pretreatment technologies for cobalt based Fisher–Tropsch synthesis
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Nanostructural Analysis of Co‐Re/γ‐Al2O3 Fischer‐Tropsch Catalyst by TEM and XRD
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Atomic Structure and Valence State of Cobalt Nanocrystals on Carbon under Syngas Versus Hydrogen Reduction
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Effect of Potassium on Cobalt Surface States of K–Co/SiO2 Catalysts for CO2 Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis
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Synthesis of flexible Co nanowires from bulk precursors
On the Cobalt Carbide Formation in a Co/TiO2 Fischer–Tropsch Synthesis Catalyst as Studied by High-Pressure, Long-Term Operando X-ray Absorption and Diffraction
Constructing efficient hcp-Co active sites for Fischer-Tropsch reaction on an activated carbon supported cobalt catalyst via multistep activation processes
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Nanomaterials: stimulants for biofuels and renewables, yield and energy optimization
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Chemical and Thermal Sintering of Supported Metals with Emphasis on Cobalt Catalysts During Fischer–Tropsch Synthesis
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Synergistic Interaction of Cerium and Barium-New Insight into the Promotion Effect in Cobalt Systems for Ammonia Synthesis
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Catalytic Plasma Fischer–Tropsch Synthesis Using Hierarchically Connected Porous Co/SiO2 Catalysts Prepared by Microwave-Induced Co-assembly
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Environment-Dependent Catalytic Performance and Phase Stability of Co3O4 in the Preferential Oxidation of Carbon Monoxide Studied In Situ
Influence of Cobalt Crystal Structures on Activation of Nitrogen Molecule: A First-Principles Study
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Role of Co2C in ZnO‐promoted Co Catalysts for Alcohol Synthesis from Syngas
Joseph A. Singh, Adam S. Hoffman, Julia Schumann, Alexey Boubnov, Arun S. Asundi, Sindhu S. Nathan, Jens Nørskov, Simon R. Bare and Stacey F. Bent ChemCatChem 11(2) 799 (2019)
Supported Cobalt Nanoparticles with a Single Active Phase for Fischer–Tropsch Synthesis
In situ observation of phase changes of a silica-supported cobalt catalyst for the Fischer–Tropsch process by the development of a synchrotron-compatible in situ/operando powder X-ray diffraction cell
Measurement of the Influence of the Microstructure of Alumina‐Supported Cobalt Catalysts on their Activity and Selectivity in Fischer–Tropsch Synthesis by using Steady‐State and Transient Kinetics
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In situ TEM observation of the Boudouard reaction: multi-layered graphene formation from CO on cobalt nanoparticles at atmospheric pressure
Interplay between the magnetic and magneto-transport properties of 3D interconnected nanowire networks
Tristan da Câmara Santa Clara Gomes, Joaquín De La Torre Medina, Yenni G. Velázquez-Galván, Juan Manuel Martínez-Huerta, Armando Encinas and Luc Piraux Journal of Applied Physics 120(4) (2016)
Effects of noble metal promotion for Co/TiO2 Fischer-Tropsch catalysts
Stacking disorder in silicon carbide supported cobalt crystallites: an X-ray diffraction, electron diffraction and high resolution electron microscopy study
H. E. du Plessis, J. P. R. de Villiers, A. Tuling and E. J. Olivier Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 18(43) 30183 (2016)
Study on CaO-promoted Co/AC catalysts for synthesis of higher alcohols from syngas
CO Dissociation on Face-Centered Cubic and Hexagonal Close-Packed Nickel Catalysts: A First-Principles Study
Jin-Xun Liu, Bing-Yan Zhang, Pei-Pei Chen, Hai-Yan Su and Wei-Xue Li The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 120(43) 24895 (2016)
Kinetic modeling of transient Fischer–Tropsch experiments over Co/Al 2 O 3 catalysts with different microstructures
An Investigation into the Effects of Mn Promotion on the Activity and Selectivity of Co/SiO2 for Fischer–Tropsch Synthesis: Evidence for Enhanced CO Adsorption and Dissociation
Opportunities for intensification of Fischer–Tropsch synthesis through reduced formation of methane over cobalt catalysts in microreactors
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14C-Labeled Alcohol Tracer Study: Comparison of Reactivity of Alcohols over Cobalt and Ruthenium Fischer–Tropsch Catalysts
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