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The impact of multiscale cleat geometry on coal's petrophysical properties in the Lorraine basin, NE France: Implications for coalbed methane (CBM) production and CO2 storage
Experimental investigation of alterations in coal fracture network induced by thermal treatment: Implications for CO2 geo-sequestration
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CO2 Storage in Deep Oceanic Sediments in the form of Hydrates: Energy Evaluation and Advantages Related to the Use of N2-Containing Mixtures
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Potential for CO2 storage in shale basins in China
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Facilitated Transport Membranes (FTMs) for CO2 Capture: Overview and Future Trends
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Enhanced natural gas production using CO2 injection: Application to sustainable hydrogen production
Experimental Measurements and Molecular Simulation of Carbon Dioxide Adsorption on Carbon Surface
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Minireview on CO2 Storage in Deep Saline Aquifers: Methods, Opportunities, Challenges, and Perspectives
Large-Scale Ex Situ Tests for CO2 Storage in Coal Beds
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Numerical study on CO2 sequestration in low-permeability coal reservoirs to enhance CH4 recovery: Gas driving water and staged inhibition on CH4 output
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The feasibility of CO2 emission reduction by adsorptive storage on Polish hard coals in the Upper Silesia Coal Basin: An experimental and modeling study of equilibrium, kinetics and thermodynamics
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A Comprehensive Review of Value-Added CO2 Sequestration in Subsurface Saline Aquifers
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Characterization and modeling of CO2‐water‐rock interactions in Hygiene Sandstones (Upper Cretaceous), Denver Basin, aimed for carbon dioxide geological storage
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Effect of wettability heterogeneity and reservoir temperature on CO 2 storage efficiency in deep saline aquifers
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Regression and soft computing models to estimate young’s modulus of CO2 saturated coals
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Fully coupled two-phase flow and poromechanics modeling of coalbed methane recovery: Impact of geomechanics on production rate
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Application of multiple sorption model to estimation of CO2sequestration capacity or CH4recovery in polish hard coals
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Pressure pulse-decay tests in a dual-continuum medium: Late-time behavior