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Torrefaction of Cassia fistula seeds for sequestration of aqueous and gaseous pollutants: Experimental and computational approach
Tejaswini A. Rathi, Vaishnavi Gomase, Kapil Ganorkar, Vijay Tangde, D. Saravanan and Ravin Jugade Sustainable Chemistry for the Environment 7 100140 (2024)
High-Performance Carbon Dioxide Adsorption with Zeolitic Imidazolate Framework-8-Based Cellulose Air Filters
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In-situ CO2 release from captured solution and subsequent electrolysis: Advancements in integrated CO2 capture and conversion systems
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Compartmental modeling of CO2 absorption in a rotating packed bed
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Comparing CO2 Storage and Utilization: Enhancing Sustainability through Renewable Energy Integration
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Experimental nibble for computational chemists: On the construction and CO2 capture by different zeolite imidazole ester framework‐8 and ionic
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Sustainable CO2 adsorbent via amine–phosphate coupling of glycated chitosan and electrochemically exfoliated graphene
Integrating the circular economy model into the management and treatment of Fischer–Tropsch effluents—a conversion of waste to energy (biogas) opportunity
Applications of Ionic Liquids in the Oil Industry: Towards A Sustainable Industry
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Numerical Study on the Granular Flow and Heat Transfer of a Calcium Looping CO2 Capture System
A novel approach to environmental pollution management/remediation techniques using derived advanced materials
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An Ongoing Futuristic Career of Metal–Organic Frameworks and Ionic Liquids, A Magical Gateway to Capture CO2; A Critical Review
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Valuing CO2 in the development of polymer materials
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Recent developments in state-of-the-art silica-modified catalysts for the fixation of CO2 in epoxides to form organic carbonates
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Low-Temperature CO2 Thermal Reduction to Graphitic and Diamond-like Carbons Using Perovskite-Type Titanium Nanoceramics by Quasi-High-Pressure Reactions
Carbon capture and storage retrofit: Case study for Croatia
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Closing the Carbon Cycle with Dual Function Materials
The prospect of synthesis of PES/PEG blend membranes using blend NMP/DMF for CO2/N2 separation
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Analyses on CH4 and CO2 hydrate formation to define the optimal pressure for CO2 injection to maximize the replacement efficiency into natural gas hydrate in presence of a silica-based natural porous medium, via depressurization techniques
The development of reaction kinetics for CO2 absorption into novel solvent systems: Frustrated Lewis pairs (FLPs)
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Prediction of Phase Behavior of CO2 Absorbents Using Conductor-like Screening Model for Real Solvents (COSMO-RS): An Approach to Identify Phase Separation Solvents of Amine/Ether/Water Systems upon CO2 Absorption
Mana Nakaoka, Khuyen V. B. Tran, Keiichi Yanase, Hiroshi Machida and Koyo Norinaga Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 59(42) 19020 (2020)
High-Current-Density CO2-to-CO Electroreduction on Ag-Alloyed Zn Dendrites at Elevated Pressure
Sarah Lamaison, David Wakerley, Juliette Blanchard, David Montero, Gwenaëlle Rousse, Dimitri Mercier, Philippe Marcus, Dario Taverna, Domitille Giaume, Victor Mougel and Marc Fontecave Joule 4(2) 395 (2020)
The chemical CO2 capture by carbonation-decarbonation cycles
Experimental Measurements and Thermodynamic Modeling of Hydrate Dissociation Conditions for Methane + TBAB + NaCl, MgCl2, or NaCl-MgCl2 + Water Systems
Mohammad Pourranjbar, Hassan Pahlavanzadeh and Amir H. Mohammadi Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 58(51) 23405 (2019)
Combined heat and mass transfer performance enhancement by nanoemulsion absorbents during the CO2 absorption and regeneration processes
Dry carbonate process for CO2 capture and storage: Integration with solar thermal power
D. Bonaventura, R. Chacartegui, J.M. Valverde, J.A. Becerra, C. Ortiz and J. Lizana Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 82 1796 (2018)
CO2 Capture by Injection of Flue Gas or CO2–N2 Mixtures into Hydrate Reservoirs: Dependence of CO2 Capture Efficiency on Gas Hydrate Reservoir Conditions
Aliakbar Hassanpouryouzband, Jinhai Yang, Bahman Tohidi, Evgeny Chuvilin, Vladimir Istomin, Boris Bukhanov and Alexey Cheremisin Environmental Science & Technology 52(7) 4324 (2018)
Biomass Energy with Carbon Capture and Storage (BECCS): Unlocking Negative Emissions
Hydrate equilibrium data for the CO2 + N2 system with the use of tetra-n-butylammonium bromide (TBAB), cyclopentane (CP) and their mixture
Fragkiskos Tzirakis, Paolo Stringari, Nicolas von Solms, Christophe Coquelet and Georgios Kontogeorgis Fluid Phase Equilibria 408 240 (2016)
Hydrate Equilibrium Data for CO2+N2 System in the Presence of Tetra-n-butylammonium Fluoride (TBAF) and Mixture of TBAF and Cyclopentane (CP)
Fragkiskos Tzirakis, Paolo Stringari, Christophe Coquelet, Nicolas von Solms and Georgios Kontogeorgis Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data 61(2) 1007 (2016)
Phase equilibria prediction model for semiclathrate hydrates formed from CH4, CO2, and N2in the presence of tetra-n-butyl ammonium bromide
Model-Based Approach for the Evaluation of Materials and Processes for Post-Combustion Carbon Dioxide Capture from Flue Gas by PSA/VSA Processes
George N. Nikolaidis, Eustathios S. Kikkinides and Michael C. Georgiadis Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 55(3) 635 (2016)
CaCO3 calcination by the simultaneous reduction of CuO in a Ca/Cu chemical looping process
Experimental measurement and thermodynamic modelling of phase equilibria of semi-clathrate hydrates of (CO2+tetra-n-butyl-ammonium bromide) aqueous solution
Preparation optimization of carbon nanotube/carbon fiber incorporated carbon composite monoliths for high CO2 adsorption capacity
Yonggang Jin, Stephen C. Hawkins, Chi P. Huynh and Shi Su Asia-Pacific Journal of Chemical Engineering 10(6) 842 (2015)
Matching of kinetics of CaCO3 decomposition and CuO reduction with CH4 in Ca–Cu chemical looping
High pressure measurement and thermodynamic modelling of the solubility of carbon dioxide in N-methyldiethanolamine and 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium acetate mixture
Highlighting Photocatalytic H2-Production from Natural Seawater and the Utilization of Quasi-Photosynthetic Absorption as Two Ultimate Solutions for CO2Mitigation
CO2 Capture on h-BN Sheet with High Selectivity Controlled by External Electric Field
Hongyan Guo, Wenhua Zhang, Ning Lu, Zhiwen Zhuo, Xiao Cheng Zeng, Xiaojun Wu and Jinlong Yang The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 119(12) 6912 (2015)
Deep Eutectic Solvents: Physicochemical Properties and Gas Separation Applications
Combination of algae and yeast fermentation for an integrated process to produce single cell oils
R. Dillschneider, I. Schulze, A. Neumann, C. Posten and C. Syldatk Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 98(18) 7793 (2014)
Nonlinear Modeling and Application of PI Control on Pre-cooling Session of a Carbon Dioxide Storage Tank at Normal Temperature and Pressure
Microporous and mesoporous materials for gas storage and separation: a review
Fei Chang, Jun Zhou, Pu Chen, Yilu Chen, Honghua Jia, Sameh M. I. Saad, Yang Gao, Xun Cao and Tao Zheng Asia-Pacific Journal of Chemical Engineering 8(4) 618 (2013)
Increased carbon dioxide absorption rates in carbonate solutions through surfactant addition
B. P. Spigarelli, P. C. Hagadone and S. Komar Kawatra Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration 30(2) 95 (2013)
Application of carbon fibre composites to CO2 capture from flue gas
Ramesh Thiruvenkatachari, Shi Su, Xin Xiang Yu and Jun-Seok Bae International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 13 191 (2013)