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Hydro-mechanical insights for radioactive waste disposal from gas injection experiments in shale
Qazim Llabjani, Alessio Ferrari, Paul Marschall and Lyesse Laloui International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 186 106039 (2025)
3D basin modeling of the Lower Saxony Basin, Germany: the role of overpressure in Mesozoic claystones with implications for nuclear waste storage
Leidy Castro-Vera, Garri Gaus, Marlise Colling Cassel, Sebastian Amberg and Ralf Littke International Journal of Earth Sciences (2025)
Experimental investigation on swelling and gas breakthrough properties of GMZ bentonite considering alkaline solution effects
Poromechanical Behavior of a Deep Shale Core for Geological Radioactive Waste Storage
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Coupled multiphase flow and viscoelastic mechanics modeling of gas injection in a compacted bentonite buffer
Clay rocks—characterization of natural and engineered barriers
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Gas breakthrough in compacted Gaomiaozi bentonite under rigid boundary conditions
EURAD state-of-the-art report on the understanding of radionuclide retention and transport in clay and crystalline rocks
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CO2 retention in high-pressure/high-temperature reservoirs of the Yinggehai Basin, northwestern South China Sea
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On Multi-Component Gas Migration in Single-Phase Systems
3D basin modeling of the Hils Syncline, Germany: reconstruction of burial and thermal history and implications for petrophysical properties of potential Mesozoic shale host rocks for nuclear waste storage
Leidy Castro-Vera, Sebastian Amberg, Garri Gaus, Katharina Leu and Ralf Littke International Journal of Earth Sciences 113(8) 2131 (2024)
Modeling Gas Migration through Clay-based Buffer Material using Coupled Multiphase Fluid Flow and Geomechanics with Stress-Dependent Gas Permeability
A Stress‐Driven Double‐Phase–Field Framework for Tensile Fracturing Processes in Transversely Isotropic Rocks
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Applications in utilizing soil gas geochemistry along with geological and geophysical data to construct helium exploration statistical models
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Investigation on successive gas breakthroughs behavior of saturated GMZ bentonite under rigid boundary conditions
A framework to model the hydraulic fracturing with thermo-hydro-mechanical coupling based on the variational phase-field approach
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An equivalent thermo-hydro-mechanical model for gas migration in saturated rocks
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Modelling of the Corrosion-Induced Gas Impact on Hydraulic and Radionuclide Transport Properties of Geological Repository Barriers
GeomInt—Discontinuities in Geosystems From Lab to Field Scale
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Non-isothermal consolidation: A systematic evaluation of two implementations based on multiphase and Richards equations
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Benchmarking a new TH2M implementation in OGS-6 with regard to processes relevant for nuclear waste disposal
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Extended analysis of benchmarks for gas phase appearance in low-permeable rocks
Norbert Grunwald, Thomas Nagel, Michael Pitz and Olaf Kolditz Geomechanics and Geophysics for Geo-Energy and Geo-Resources 9(1) (2023)
Diffusion and Gas Flow Dynamics in Partially Saturated Smectites
Jerry P. Owusu, Konstantinos Karalis, Nikolaos I. Prasianakis and Sergey V. Churakov The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 127(29) 14425 (2023)
Saturated hydraulic conductivity of compacted bentonite–sand mixtures before and after gas migration in artificial seawater
Yasutaka Watanabe, Shingo Yokoyama, Misato Shimbashi, Yoichi Yamamoto and Takahiro Goto Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 15(1) 216 (2023)
Implementation and validation of pressure-dependent gas permeability model for bentonite in FEM code Thebes
Gas transport in Boom Clay: the role of the HADES URL in process understanding
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Spatial distribution of mineral development in Carboniferous Bowland Shale, UK at 3D micro- to nano- scales
Jingyue Hao, Lin Ma, Cathy Hollis, Anne-Laure Fauchille and Kevin G. Taylor International Journal of Coal Geology 271 104236 (2023)
A model for describing advective and diffusive gas transport through initially saturated bentonite with consideration of temperature
Constitutive modeling of clay shales in undrained conditions and its experimental verification for Opalinus Clay
Kavan Khaledi, Lisa Winhausen, Mohammadreza Jalali and Florian Amann International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 171 105588 (2023)
A novel method to estimate the Stress-Dependent Kozeny-Carman constant of Low-Permeability, clastic sedimentary rocks
Clay–rock fracturing risk assessment under high gas pressures in repository systems
Mostafa Mollaali, Jörg Buchwald, Vanessa Montoya, Olaf Kolditz and Keita Yoshioka IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1124(1) 012120 (2023)
Experimental Investigations on Hydro-mechanical Processes in Reconstituted Clay Shale and Their Significance for Constitutive Modelling
Antonia Nitsch, Julia Leuthold, Jan Machaček and Carlos Eduardo Grandas Tavera Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering 56(4) 2457 (2023)
Simulation of dilatancy-controlled gas migration processes in saturated bentonite using a coupled multiphase flow and elastoplastic H2M model
Eike Radeisen, Hua Shao, Jürgen Hesser, Olaf Kolditz, Wenjie Xu and Wenqing Wang Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 15(4) 803 (2023)
Multi-Scale Pore Structure Characterization of Silurian Marine Shale and Its Coupling Relationship With Material Composition: A Case Study in the Northern Guizhou Area
Research Developments in Geotechnics, Geo-Informatics and Remote Sensing
Zeynal Abiddin Erguler and Guzide Kalyoncu Erguler Advances in Science, Technology & Innovation, Research Developments in Geotechnics, Geo-Informatics and Remote Sensing 129 (2022)
Insights into gas migration in saturated GMZ bentonite using the RCP technique
DECOVALEX-2019: An international collaboration for advancing the understanding and modeling of coupled thermo-hydro-mechanical-chemical (THMC) processes in geological systems
Mobility of Dissolved Gases in Smectites under Saturated Conditions: Effects of Pore Size, Gas Types, Temperature, and Surface Interaction
Jerry P. Owusu, Konstantinos Karalis, Nikolaos I. Prasianakis and Sergey V. Churakov The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 126(40) 17441 (2022)
3D Simulations of gas injection on callovo-oxfordian claystone assuming spatial heterogeneity and anisotropy
Investigating models to represent gas transport in a swelling geomaterial
Elias Ernest Dagher, Thanh Son Nguyen and Julio Ángel Infante Sedano International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 137 104457 (2021)
Coupled hydro-mechanical modelling of dilatancy controlled gas flow and gas induced fracturing in saturated claystone
Discrete Dilatant Pathway Modeling of Gas Migration Through Compacted Bentonite Clay
Kunhwi Kim, Jonny Rutqvist, Jon F. Harrington, Elena Tamayo-Mas and Jens T. Birkholzer International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 137 104569 (2021)
Fault sealing and caprock integrity for CO2 storage: an in situ injection experiment
Alba Zappone, Antonio Pio Rinaldi, Melchior Grab, Quinn C. Wenning, Clément Roques, Claudio Madonna, Anne C. Obermann, Stefano M. Bernasconi, Matthias S. Brennwald, Rolf Kipfer, Florian Soom, Paul Cook, Yves Guglielmi, Christophe Nussbaum, Domenico Giardini, Marco Mazzotti and Stefan Wiemer Solid Earth 12(2) 319 (2021)
Insights into gas migration behavior in saturated GMZ bentonite under flexible constraint conditions
Inverted U-shaped permeability enhancement due to thermally induced desorption determined from strain-based analysis of experiments on shale at constant pore pressure
Experimental assessment of the hydro-mechanical behaviour of a shale caprock during CO2 injection
Alberto Minardi, Eleni Stavropoulou, Taeheon Kim, Alessio Ferrari and Lyesse Laloui International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 106 103225 (2021)
Shale fault zone structure and stress dependent anisotropic permeability and seismic velocity properties (Opalinus Clay, Switzerland)