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New Method to Predict the Viscosity of Bitumen Diluted with Light Oil Using a Modified Van Der Wijk Model under Reservoir Temperature and Pressure

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Field Applications of Nanotechnology in the Oil and Gas Industry: Recent Advances and Perspectives

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Peculiarities of Dewatering Technology for Heavy High-Viscosity Crude Oils of Eastern Region of Ukraine

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Evaluation of pipeline networks to predict an increase in crude oil flow rate

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Tuning Ionic Liquids for Simultaneous Dilution and Demulsification of Water-In-Bitumen Emulsions at Ambient Temperature

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Asphaltene Structure Modifiers as a Novel Approach for Viscosity Reduction in Heavy Crude Oils

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Impact of the Oil Matrix on Anionic and Nonionic Surfactant Separation Using Ultra-High-Performance Liquid Chromatography Hyphenated to High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry

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Effect of Textural Properties and Surface Chemical Nature of Silica Nanoparticles from Different Silicon Sources on the Viscosity Reduction of Heavy Crude Oil

Daniel Montes, Jonathan Henao, Esteban A. Taborda, et al.
ACS Omega 5 (10) 5085 (2020)

Canadian bitumen is engineered for transport, but the type of product produced can affect spill contingency planning

Thomas L. King, Brian Robinson, Scott Ryan and Jason A. C. Clyburne
Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts 22 (4) 863 (2020)

Wax Formation Mechanisms, Wax Chemical Inhibitors and Factors Affecting Chemical Inhibition

Thevaruban Ragunathan, Hazlina Husin and Colin D. Wood
Applied Sciences 10 (2) 479 (2020)

Corrosion Evaluation and Material Selection for Supercritical Water Reactor Used for Heavy Oil Upgradation

M. Faizan Khan, Akeem Yusuf Adesina, Sikandar Khan, Anwar Ul-Hamid and Luai M. Al-Hems
Oxidation of Metals 91 (5-6) 525 (2019)

Study the influence of sodium dodecyl sulfate on emulsification of heavy and waxy crude oils to improve their flow ability in low temperature conditions

Rohit Sharma, Barasha Deka, Arnab Mandal and Vikas Mahto
Asia-Pacific Journal of Chemical Engineering 14 (1) (2019)

Una mirada al desarrollo de aditivos reductores de viscosidad y sus aplicaciones en el transporte de crudos pesados

Édgar Javier Patiño Reyes, Jaime Espitia Castellanos, César Augusto Luna Cáceres and Sergio Arturo Remolina Campos
Revista ION 32 (1) 35 (2019)

Homogeneous catalyst for in-situ hydrotreating of heavy oils

Persi Schacht-Hernández, Benjamín Portales-Martínez, Georgina C. Laredo, Patricia Pérez-Romo and José M. Domínguez-Esquivel
Applied Catalysis A: General 577 99 (2019)

Processing of Heavy Crude Oils - Challenges and Opportunities

Samuel O. Sojinu and Onome Ejeromedoghene
Processing of Heavy Crude Oils - Challenges and Opportunities (2019)

Effect of the NiO/SiO2 Nanoparticles-Assisted Ultrasound Cavitation Process on the Rheological Properties of Heavy Crude Oil: Steady State Rheometry and Oscillatory Tests

Daniel Montes, Esteban A. Taborda, Mario Minale, Farid B. Cortés and Camilo A. Franco
Energy & Fuels 33 (10) 9671 (2019)

A Mechanistic Study of Layered-Double Hydroxide (LDH)-Derived Nickel-Enriched Mixed Oxide (Ni-MMO) in Ultradispersed Catalytic Pyrolysis of Heavy Oil and Related Petroleum Coke Formation

Ryan Claydon and Joseph Wood
Energy & Fuels 33 (11) 10820 (2019)

An Overview on the Recent Techniques for Improving the Flowability of Crude Oil in Pipelines

Raheek I Ibrahim, Manal K Odah and Amna Al-Mufti
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 579 (1) 012054 (2019)

Development of Nanofluids for Perdurability in Viscosity Reduction of Extra-Heavy Oils

Daniel Montes, Wendy Orozco, Esteban A. Taborda, Camilo A. Franco and Farid B. Cortés
Energies 12 (6) 1068 (2019)

Solid-shelled microspheres loaded with solvent as diluents for extracting blockages by heavy-oil and asphaltene precipitates

Li Hao, I-Cheng Chen, Jun Kyun Oh, et al.
Fuel 234 656 (2018)

The effect of non-ionic surfactant on the internal corrosion for X52 steel in extra-heavy crude oil-in-water emulsions

L.M. Quej-Ake, A. Contreras and Jorge Aburto
Anti-Corrosion Methods and Materials 65 (3) 234 (2018)

Recent Insights in Petroleum Science and Engineering

Igor N. Evdokimov, Aleksey A. Fesan and Aleksandr P. Losev
Recent Insights in Petroleum Science and Engineering (2018)

Flow improvers for assured flow of crude oil in midstream pipeline - A review

P. Sivakumar, Anirbid Sircar, Barasha Deka, et al.
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 164 24 (2018)

Tertiary Amine‐Naphthenic Acid Self‐Assembled Surfactants for Viscosity Reduction of Crude Oil

Dongfang Liu, Yuxin Suo, Jiang Tan, Peiyao Zhu, Jihe Zhao, Baogang Wang and Hongsheng Lu
Chemical Engineering & Technology 41 (11) 2266 (2018)

Organic bases, carbon dioxide and naphthenic acids interactions. Effect on the stability of petroleum crude oil in water emulsions

Francesco Saliu and Roberto Della Pergola
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 163 177 (2018)

RETRACTED: Striking behavior of the rheology in heavy crude oils by adding nanoparticles

Esteban A Taborda, Camilo A Franco, Marco A Ruiz, Vladimir Alvarado and Farid B Cortés
Adsorption Science & Technology 36 (3-4) NP2 (2018)

Application of Triazine-Based Gemini Surfactants as Viscosity Reducing Agents of Tar Sand Derived Bituminous Crude

Manisha Sahai, Raj K. Singh, Aruna Kukrety, et al.
Energy & Fuels 32 (3) 3031 (2018)

Laminar pipeline flow of heavy oil–in–water emulsions produced by continuous in-line emulsification

Ronaldo Gonçalves dos Santos, Maria Isabel Brinceño and Watson Loh
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 156 827 (2017)

Experimental and Theoretical Study of Viscosity Reduction in Heavy Crude Oils by Addition of Nanoparticles

Esteban A. Taborda, Camilo A. Franco, Marco A. Ruiz, Vladimir Alvarado and Farid B. Cortés
Energy & Fuels 31 (2) 1329 (2017)

Rheological properties of heavy oil emulsions with different morphologies

Natalia M. Zadymova, Zoya N. Skvortsova, Vladimir Yu. Traskine, et al.
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 149 522 (2017)

Hydrothermal liquefaction of biomass for the production of diluents for bitumen transport

Mayank Kumar, Adetoyese Olajire Oyedun and Amit Kumar
Biofuels, Bioproducts and Biorefining 11 (5) 811 (2017)

Simultaneous Dewatering and Recovering Oil from High-Viscosity Oily Sludge through the Combination Process of Demulsification, Viscosity Reduction, and Centrifugation

Xiaoyuan Zheng, Zhi Ying, Jie Cui, et al.
Energy & Fuels 31 (12) 14401 (2017)

Effect of SiO 2 -based nanofluids in the reduction of naphtha consumption for heavy and extra-heavy oils transport: Economic impacts on the Colombian market

Esteban A. Taborda, Vladimir Alvarado and Farid B. Cortés
Energy Conversion and Management 148 30 (2017)

FTIR and thermodynamic study of Pakistani and international crude oils in 1,4-dioxane

Summyia Masood, Rehana Saeed, Mehwish Ali, et al.
Petroleum Science and Technology 35 (8) 754 (2017)

Rheological demonstration of alteration in the heavy crude oil fluid structure upon addition of nanoparticles

Esteban A. Taborda, Vladimir Alvarado, Camilo A. Franco and Farid B. Cortés
Fuel 189 322 (2017)

Anomalous Heavy-Oil Rheological Thinning Behavior upon Addition of Nanoparticles: Departure from Einstein’s Theory

Esteban A. Taborda, Camilo A. Franco, Marco A. Ruiz, Vladimir Alvarado and Farid B. Cortés
Chemical Engineering Communications 204 (6) 648 (2017)

A study on the use of plant seed oils, triethanolamine and xylene as flow improvers of Nigerian waxy crude oil

Olusegun Peter Akinyemi, Joseph Denis Udonne, Vincent Enontiemonria Efeovbokhan and Ayodeji Ayodele Ayoola
Journal of Applied Research and Technology 14 (3) 195 (2016)

Emulsification of Indian heavy crude oil in water for its efficient transportation through offshore pipelines

Shailesh Kumar and Vikas Mahto
Chemical Engineering Research and Design 115 34 (2016)

Impacts of physico-chemical properties of asphaltene aggregates on optimization of the thermal de-asphaltene process

S. Kananpanah, M. Bayat, M.A. Mousavian and A.R. Solaimany Nazar
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 147 718 (2016)

Asphaltenes in heavy crude oil: Designation, precipitation, solutions, and effects on viscosity

Sergey Ilyin, Marianna Arinina, Mariya Polyakova, et al.
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 147 211 (2016)

Effect of nanoparticles/nanofluids on the rheology of heavy crude oil and its mobility on porous media at reservoir conditions

Esteban A. Taborda, Camilo A. Franco, Sergio H. Lopera, Vladimir Alvarado and Farid B. Cortés
Fuel 184 222 (2016)

Experimental study of Iranian heavy crude oil viscosity reduction by diluting with heptane, methanol, toluene, gas condensate and naphtha

Amir Hossein Saeedi Dehaghani and Mohammad Hasan Badizad
Petroleum 2 (4) 415 (2016)

Bitumen heavy oil upgrading by cavitation processing: effect on asphaltene separation, rheology, and metal content

Dipti Prakash Mohapatra and Deepak M. Kirpalani
Applied Petrochemical Research 6 (2) 107 (2016)

Solvent-Selection Criteria Based on Diffusion Rate and Mixing Quality for Steam/Solvent Applications in Heavy-Oil and Bitumen Recovery

Andrea Marciales and Tayfun Babadagli
SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering 19 (04) 620 (2016)

Heavy oil as an emulsion: Composition, structure, and rheological properties

N. M. Zadymova, Z. N. Skvortsova, V. Yu. Traskin, et al.
Colloid Journal 78 (6) 735 (2016)