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Rheological study of low wax content hydrate slurries considering phase interactions

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Programmable actuator based on RGB monitoring for detection and dissociation of gas hydrates

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Changing the Hydrate Management Guidelines: From Benchtop Experiments to CSMHyK Field Simulations

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Characterizing the Rheology of Methane Hydrate Slurry in a Horizontal Water-Continuous System

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Gas hydrates in sustainable chemistry

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Rheological Properties of Methane Hydrate Slurry in the Presence of Xanthan Gum

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Rheology of methane hydrate slurries formed from water-in-oil emulsion with different surfactants concentrations

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A Review of Hydrate Formation in Oil and Gas Transition Pipes

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High pressure rheological studies of methane hydrate slurries formed from water-hexane, water-heptane, and water-decane multiphase systems

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Investigation of rheological properties of methane hydrate slurry with carboxmethylcellulose

Weiqi Fu, Zhiyuan Wang, Jianbo Zhang, Yueying Cao and Baojiang Sun
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Rheological investigation of methane hydrate formation with biodegradable emulsifiers as anti-agglomerants

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New Simulator for Gas–Hydrate Slurry Stratified Flow Based on the Hydrate Kinetic Growth Model

Bohui Shi, Yang Liu, Lin Ding, Xiaofang Lv and Jing Gong
Journal of Energy Resources Technology 141 (1) (2019)

Research on flow assurance of deepwater submarine natural gas pipelines: Hydrate prediction and prevention

Wenyuan Liu, Xiangfang Li, Jinqiu Hu, et al.
Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries 61 130 (2019)

Experimental study of growth kinetics of CO2 hydrates and multiphase flow properties of slurries in high pressure flow systems

Xiao-fang Lv, Jiang-wei Zuo, Yang Liu, et al.
RSC Advances 9 (56) 32873 (2019)

A new hydrate deposition prediction model considering hydrate shedding and decomposition in horizontal gas-dominated pipelines

Wenyuan Liu, Jinqiu Hu, Keliu Wu, et al.
Petroleum Science and Technology 37 (12) 1370 (2019)

Experimental investigation of hydrate formation, plugging and flow properties using a high-pressure viscometer with helical impeller

Ben Bbosa, Evren Ozbayoglu and Michael Volk
Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology 9 (2) 1089 (2019)

Flow characteristics of methane hydrate slurry in the transition region in a high-pressure flow loop

Xiao-dong Shen, Guo-dong Hou, Jia-xiang Ding, et al.
Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 55 64 (2018)

Experimental Investigation of Gas-Hydrate Formation and Particle Transportability in Fully and Partially Dispersed Multiphase-Flow Systems Using a High-Pressure Flow Loop

Ahmad A. A. Majid, Wonhee Lee, Vishal Srivastava, et al.
SPE Journal 23 (03) 0937 (2018)

An investigation on gas hydrate formation and slurry viscosity in the presence of wax crystals

Bo‐Hui Shi, Shuai Chai, Lin Ding, Yu‐Chuan Chen, Yang Liu, Shang‐Fei Song, Hai‐Yuan Yao, Hai‐Hao Wu, Wei Wang and Jing Gong
AIChE Journal 64 (9) 3502 (2018)

Oil transportation in pipelines with the existence of ice

Hongfei Xu, Ben Bbosa, Eduardo Pereyra, Michael Volk and M. Sam Mannan
Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries 56 137 (2018)

Experimental study on the rheological behavior of tetrafluoroethane (R-134a) hydrate slurry

Zabdur Rehman, Kwanjae Seong, Sangyong Lee and Myung Ho Song
Chemical Engineering Communications 205 (6) 822 (2018)

Pressure drop in hydrate slurries: Rheology, granulometry and high water cut

Boris V. Balakin, Anna Kosinska and Kirill V. Kutsenko
Chemical Engineering Science 190 77 (2018)

Investigation on Gas Hydrate Slurry Pressure Drop Properties in a Spiral Flow Loop

Yongchao Rao, Ziwen Wang, Shuli Wang and Minguan Yang
Energies 11 (6) 1384 (2018)

Hydrate Formation and Plugging Mechanisms in Different Gas–Liquid Flow Patterns

Lin Ding, Bohui Shi, Xiaofang Lv, et al.
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 56 (14) 4173 (2017)

Dynamics of hydrate formation and deposition under pseudo multiphase flow

Jiafei Zhao, Bin Wang and Amadeu K. Sum
AIChE Journal 63 (9) 4136 (2017)

Investigation of the Flow Characteristics of Methane Hydrate Slurries with Low Flow Rates

Cuiping Tang, Xiangyong Zhao, Dongliang Li, Yong He, Xiaodong Shen and Deqing Liang
Energies 10 (1) 145 (2017)

New in Situ Measurements of the Viscosity of Gas Clathrate Hydrate Slurries Formed from Model Water-in-Oil Emulsions

Ahmad A. A. Majid, David T. Wu and Carolyn A. Koh
Langmuir 33 (42) 11436 (2017)

A parametric study of cohesive particle agglomeration in a shear flow—numerical simulations by the discrete element method

Aslak S. Hellestø, Maryam Ghaffari, Boris V. Balakin and Alex C. Hoffmann
Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology 38 (5) 611 (2017)

Reduction of Clathrate Hydrate Film Growth Rate by Naturally Occurring Surface Active Components

Shane A. Morrissy, Angus J. McKenzie, Brendan F. Graham, et al.
Energy & Fuels 31 (6) 5798 (2017)

High pressure rheology of gas hydrate formed from multiphase systems using modified Couette rheometer

Gaurav Pandey, Praveen Linga and Jitendra S. Sangwai
Review of Scientific Instruments 88 (2) (2017)

High pressure rheological measurements of gas hydrate-in-oil slurries

Yahua Qin, Zachary M. Aman, Paul F. Pickering, Michael L. Johns and Eric F. May
Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics 248 40 (2017)

A comparison of the rheological behavior of hydrate forming emulsions stabilized using either solid particles or a surfactant

Ashwin Kumar Yegya Raman, Samyukta Koteeswaran, Deepika Venkataramani, et al.
Fuel 179 141 (2016)

Rapid assessments of hydrate blockage risk in oil-continuous flowlines

Bruce W.E. Norris, Luis E. Zerpa, Carolyn A. Koh, et al.
Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 30 284 (2016)

Fractionation of Asphaltene by Adsorption onto Silica and Chemical Characterization by Atmospheric Pressure Photoionization Fourier Transform Ion Cyclotron Resonance Mass Spectrometry, Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy Coupled to Attenuated Total Reflectance, and Proton Nuclear Magnetic Resonance

Priscila T. H. Nascimento, Alexandre F. Santos, Carlos I. Yamamoto, et al.
Energy & Fuels 30 (7) 5439 (2016)

Modelling agglomeration and deposition of gas hydrates in industrial pipelines with combined CFD-PBM technique

Boris V. Balakin, Simon Lo, Pawel Kosinski and Alex C. Hoffmann
Chemical Engineering Science 153 45 (2016)

Rheology of cyclopentane hydrate slurry in a model oil-continuous emulsion

Prasad U. Karanjkar, Amit Ahuja, Genti Zylyftari, Jae W. Lee and Jeffrey F. Morris
Rheologica Acta 55 (3) 235 (2016)

Gas hydrate plug formation in partially-dispersed water–oil systems

Masoumeh Akhfash, Zachary M. Aman, Sang Yoon Ahn, Michael L. Johns and Eric F. May
Chemical Engineering Science 140 337 (2016)

Micromechanical Cohesive Force Measurements between Precipitated Asphaltene Solids and Cyclopentane Hydrates

Shane A. Morrissy, Vincent W. Lim, Eric F. May, et al.
Energy & Fuels 29 (10) 6277 (2015)

Development of a Tool to Assess Hydrate-Plug-Formation Risk in Oil-Dominant Pipelines

Zachary M. Aman , Luis E. Zerpa, Carolyn A. Koh and Amadeu K. Sum
SPE Journal 20 (04) 884 (2015)