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A model for threshold pressure gradient in hydrate-bearing sediments during creep
Jiangtao Qu, Tianle Liu, Gang Lei, Shaojun Zheng, Wan Cheng, Jiaxin Sun and Yizhao Wan Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (2025)
Effect of anti‐Agglomerants on carbon dioxide hydrate formation in oil–water systems
Shaochang Huang, Xiao Wang, Guiyang Ma and Chunyang Zang The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering 103(1) 220 (2025)
Theoretical investigation of threshold pressure gradient in hydrate-bearing clayey-silty sediments under combined stress and local thermal stimulation conditions
High-pressure rheological signatures of CO2 hydrate slurries formed from gaseous and liquid CO2 relevant for refrigeration, pipeline transportation, carbon capture, and geological sequestration
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Perspectives of Flow Assurance Problems in Oil and Gas Production: A Mini-review
Mechanisms of hydrate blockage in oil-water dispersions based on flow loop experiments
Vinicius De Almeida, Eric Serris, Gianluca Lavalle, Ana Cameirão, Jean-Michel Herri, Emilie Abadie, Nicolas Lesage and Annie Fidel Dufour Chemical Engineering Science 273 118632 (2023)
Rheological Behavior of Hydrate Slurry with Xanthan Gum and Carboxmethylcellulose under High Shear Rate Conditions
Yan Wang, Benton C. Hutchinson, Marshall A. Pickarts, Davi C. Salmin, Vishal Srivastava, Carolyn A. Koh and Luis E. Zerpa Fuel 289 119901 (2021)
Aliakbar Hassanpouryouzband, Edris Joonaki, Mehrdad Vasheghani Farahani, et al. Chemical Society Reviews 49(15) 5225 (2020)
Rheological Properties of Methane Hydrate Slurry in the Presence of Xanthan Gum
Weiqi Fu, Zhiyuan Wang, Baojiang Sun, et al. SPE Journal 25(05) 2341 (2020)
Celina Kakitani, Daniela C. Marques, Moisés A. Marcelino Neto, Adriana Teixeira, Leandro S. Valim, Rigoberto E. M. Morales and Amadeu K. Sum (2020)
A Review of Hydrate Formation in Oil and Gas Transition Pipes
Zainab T. Al-Sharify, M. Lahieb Faisal and Luay Badr Hamad and Hussein A. Jabbar IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 870(1) 012039 (2020)
High pressure rheological studies of methane hydrate slurries formed from water-hexane, water-heptane, and water-decane multiphase systems
Rheological investigation of methane hydrate formation with biodegradable emulsifiers as anti-agglomerants
Wonhee Lee, Youngil Choi, Yeonggyu Kim, Jong-Se Lim and Seong-Pil Kang Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 183 106454 (2019)
New Simulator for Gas–Hydrate Slurry Stratified Flow Based on the Hydrate Kinetic Growth Model
Bohui Shi, Yang Liu, Lin Ding, Xiaofang Lv and Jing Gong Journal of Energy Resources Technology 141(1) (2019)
Cyclopentane hydrate slurry viscosity measurements coupled with visualisation
Experimental Investigation of Gas-Hydrate Formation and Particle Transportability in Fully and Partially Dispersed Multiphase-Flow Systems Using a High-Pressure Flow Loop
An investigation on gas hydrate formation and slurry viscosity in the presence of wax crystals
Bo‐Hui Shi, Shuai Chai, Lin Ding, Yu‐Chuan Chen, Yang Liu, Shang‐Fei Song, Hai‐Yuan Yao, Hai‐Hao Wu, Wei Wang and Jing Gong AIChE Journal 64(9) 3502 (2018)
Oil transportation in pipelines with the existence of ice
Hongfei Xu, Ben Bbosa, Eduardo Pereyra, Michael Volk and M. Sam Mannan Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries 56 137 (2018)
Experimental study on the rheological behavior of tetrafluoroethane (R-134a) hydrate slurry
A parametric study of cohesive particle agglomeration in a shear flow—numerical simulations by the discrete element method
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Reduction of Clathrate Hydrate Film Growth Rate by Naturally Occurring Surface Active Components
High pressure rheology of gas hydrate formed from multiphase systems using modified Couette rheometer
Gaurav Pandey, Praveen Linga and Jitendra S. Sangwai Review of Scientific Instruments 88(2) (2017)
High pressure rheological measurements of gas hydrate-in-oil slurries
Yahua Qin, Zachary M. Aman, Paul F. Pickering, Michael L. Johns and Eric F. May Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics 248 40 (2017)
Characterization of Crude Oils That Naturally Resist Hydrate Plug Formation
Fractionation of Asphaltene by Adsorption onto Silica and Chemical Characterization by Atmospheric Pressure Photoionization Fourier Transform Ion Cyclotron Resonance Mass Spectrometry, Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy Coupled to Attenuated Total Reflectance, and Proton Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
Gas hydrate plug formation in partially-dispersed water–oil systems
Masoumeh Akhfash, Zachary M. Aman, Sang Yoon Ahn, Michael L. Johns and Eric F. May Chemical Engineering Science 140 337 (2016)
Micromechanical Cohesive Force Measurements between Precipitated Asphaltene Solids and Cyclopentane Hydrates