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Effects of N/C Ratio on Solidification Behaviors of Novel Nb-Bearing Austenitic Heat-Resistant Cast Steels for Exhaust Components of Gasoline Engines

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How Well Do We Know the Future of CO2 Emissions? Projecting Fleet Emissions from Light Duty Vehicle Technology Drivers

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Environmental Science & Technology 51 (5) 3093 (2017)

Simulating the effects of turbocharging on the emission levels of a gasoline engine

Amir Reza Mahmoudi, Iman Khazaee and Mohsen Ghazikhani
Alexandria Engineering Journal 56 (4) 737 (2017)

A novel predictive semi-physical feed-forward turbocharging system transient control strategy based on mean-value turbocharger model

Huayin Tang, Colin Copeland, Sam Akehurst, Chris Brace, Peter Davies, Ludek Pohorelsky, Les Smith and Geoff Capon
International Journal of Engine Research 18 (8) 765 (2017)

Organic Rankine Cycles (ORC) for mobile applications – Economic feasibility in different transportation sectors

Roberto Pili, Alessandro Romagnoli, Kai Kamossa, et al.
Applied Energy 204 1188 (2017)

Effects of tungsten and molybdenum on high-temperature tensile properties of five heat-resistant austenitic stainless steels

Seungmun Jung, Changwoo Jeon, Yong Hee Jo, et al.
Materials Science and Engineering: A 656 190 (2016)

Coordinated Performance Optimization of a Variable Geometry Compressor With Model Predictive Control for a Turbocharged Diesel Engine

Junqiang Zhou, Lisa Fiorentini, Marcello Canova and Yue-Yun Wang
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology 24 (3) 804 (2016)

Modeling for Estimation of Wave Action in Multi-Cylinder Turbocharged SI Engines

Stephanie Stockar, Marcello Canova, Baitao Xiao, Julia Buckland and Wen Dai
IFAC-PapersOnLine 49 (11) 708 (2016)

Design innovation in dynamic coupling of starting system for internal combustion engines

Alvaro Canto Michelotti and Jonny Carlos da Silva
Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering 38 (1) 177 (2016)

Effects of Cr and Nb addition on high-temperature tensile properties in austenitic cast steels used for turbo-charger application

Seungmun Jung, Seok Su Sohn, Yong Hee Jo, et al.
Materials Science and Engineering: A 677 316 (2016)

A numerical study on the effects of EGR and spark timing to combustion characteristics and NOxemission of a GDI engine

Seyfi Polat, Ahmet Uyumaz, Hamit Solmaz, et al.
International Journal of Green Energy 13 (1) 63 (2016)

Experimental analysis on spray development of 2-methylfuran–gasoline blends using multi-hole DI injector

Haiqiao Wei, Dongzhi Gao, Lei Zhou, et al.
Fuel 164 245 (2016)

Multi-objective optimization of a natural aspirated three-cylinder spark ignition engine using modified non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm and multicriteria decision making

Mohammad Hassan Shojaeefard, Abolfazl Khalkhali and Alireza Firouzgan
Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy 8 (2) (2016)

Fast Simulation of Wave Action in Engine Air Path Systems Using Model Order Reduction

Stephanie Stockar, Marcello Canova, Baitao Xiao, Wengang Dai and Julia Buckland
SAE International Journal of Engines 9 (3) 1398 (2016)

Convex Modeling and Sizing of Electrically Supercharged Internal Combustion Engine Powertrain

Sava Marinkov, Nikolce Murgovski and Bram de Jager
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 65 (6) 4523 (2016)

Engine displacement modularity for enhancing automotive s.i. engines efficiency at part load

F. Millo, M. Mirzaeian, S. Luisi, V. Doria and A. Stroppiana
Fuel 180 645 (2016)

The influence of selected adjustment parameters on the operation of LPG vapor phase pulse injectors

Dariusz Szpica
Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 34 1127 (2016)

Component sizing for compound hybrid excavators

Qian Zhu, Qingfeng Wang and Qihuai Chen
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering 230 (7) 969 (2016)

A review of the application of variable geometry turbines to the downsized gasoline engine

Huayin Tang, Andrew Pennycott, Sam Akehurst and Chris J Brace
International Journal of Engine Research 16 (6) 810 (2015)

Powertrain sizing of electrically supercharged internal combustion engine vehicles

Nikolce Murgovski, Sava Marinkov, Daniël Hilgersom, et al.
IFAC-PapersOnLine 48 (15) 101 (2015)

Comparative investigation on performance of various aspiration methods applied in a single cylinder diesel engine

Palaniswamy Duraiswamy, Ramesh Guru and Vishnu Madakkan
Emerging Materials Research 4 (2) 247 (2015)

Comparison of combustion characteristics of n-butanol/ethanol–gasoline blends in a HCCI engine

Bang-Quan He, Mao-Bin Liu and Hua Zhao
Energy Conversion and Management 95 101 (2015)

One-dimensional simulations and experimental analysis of a wastegated turbine for automotive engines under unsteady flow conditions

Vincenzo De Bellis and Silvia Marelli
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering 229 (13) 1801 (2015)

Scaling and dimensional methods to incorporate knock and flammability limits in models of high-efficiency gasoline and ethanol engines

Anne Lewis, Elliott Ortiz-Soto, George Lavoie and Dennis N Assanis
International Journal of Engine Research 16 (2) 181 (2015)

Combined effects of cooled EGR and a higher geometric compression ratio on thermal efficiency improvement of a downsized boosted spark-ignition direct-injection engine

Jianye Su, Min Xu, Tie Li, Yi Gao and Jiasheng Wang
Energy Conversion and Management 78 65 (2014)

Steady Modeling of a Turbocharger Turbine for Automotive Engines

Fabio Bozza and Vincenzo De Bellis
Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power 136 (1) (2014)

Interaction of Flame Propagation and Pressure Waves During Knocking Combustion in Spark-Ignition Engines

Jiaying Pan, Gequn Shu and Haiqiao Wei
Combustion Science and Technology 186 (2) 192 (2014)