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Smart Control of Springback in Stretch Bending of a Rectangular Tube by an Artificial Neural Network
Taekwang Ha, Torgeir Welo, Geir Ringen and Jyhwen Wang Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering 146(4) (2024)
Carbon emissions from road transportation in China: from past to the future
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Combustion Systems and Fuels Used in Engines—A Short Review
Identifying specifications of in-use vehicles failing the inspection/maintenance emission test
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Numerical investigation of the effect of injection timing on the in-cylinder activity of a gasoline direct injection engine
Yu Zhang, Qifan Wang, Ruomiao Yang, Yuchao Yan, Jiahong Fu and Zhentao Liu Advances in Mechanical Engineering 14(3) (2022)
Improving the performance of the passive pre-chamber ignition concept for spark-ignition engines fueled with natural gas
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Applicability analysis of waste heat recovery technology and strategy exploration for hybrid electric vehicles under diverse road conditions
Effect of Divided Exhaust Period in a High Efficiency TGDI Engine
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Alternative Fuels and Advanced Combustion Techniques as Sustainable Solutions for Internal Combustion Engines
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New FORTRAN meanline code for investigating the volute to rotor interspace effect on mixed flow turbine performance
Ahmed Ketata and Zied Driss Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part E: Journal of Process Mechanical Engineering 235(5) 1511 (2021)
Implementation of Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Controller for Fuel Cell Based Electric Vehicles
Harshavardhana REDDY, Sachin SHARMA and Shiva Rama Krishna K Gazi University Journal of Science 34(1) 112 (2021)
Model Evaluation of the Influence of the Plunger Stroke on Functional Parameters of the Low-Pressure Pulse Gas Solenoid Injector
Application of Smart Materials in the Actuation System of a Gas Injector
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A methodology for the assessment of the knock mitigation potential of a port water injection system
The 30th SIAR International Congress of Automotive and Transport Engineering
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Multiple injection for improving knock, gaseous and particulate matter emissions in direct injection SI engines
Fuel-to-air ratio control under short-circuit conditions through UEGO sensor signal analysis
Carlos Guardiola, Benjamín Pla, Marcelo Real, Cyril Travaillard and Frederic Dambricourt International Journal of Engine Research 21(9) 1577 (2020)
Impact of the wastegate opening on radial turbine performance under steady and pulsating flow conditions
Ahmed Ketata, Zied Driss and Mohamed Salah Abid Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering 234(2-3) 652 (2020)
Methodological Approach for 1D Simulation of Port Water Injection for Knock Mitigation in a Turbocharged DISI Engine
Comparing methods for improving spark-ignited engine efficiency: Over-expansion with multi-link cranktrain and high compression ratio with late intake valve closing
Driving Cycle and Elasticity Manoeuvres Simulation of a Small SUV Featuring an Electrically Boosted 1.0 L Gasoline Engine
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Numerical Investigation of 48 V Electrification Potential in Terms of Fuel Economy and Vehicle Performance for a Lambda-1 Gasoline Passenger Car
Federico Millo, Francesco Accurso, Alessandro Zanelli and Luciano Rolando Energies 12(15) 2998 (2019)
Effect of injection strategies on particulate matter structures of a turbocharged GDI engine
The impact from the direct injection and multi-port fuel injection technologies for gasoline vehicles on solid particle number and black carbon emissions
Experimental Study of the Polytropic Coefficient for an Air-Cooled, High-Compression-Ratio, Spark-Ignition Engine Fueled with Natural Gas, Biogas, and a Propane–Syngas Blend
Experimental Analysis for Performance Evaluation and Unsteadiness Quantification for One Turbocharger Vane-Less Radial Turbine Operating on a Gasoline Engine
A Computational Study of Abnormal Combustion Characteristics in Spark Ignition Engines
Mohammed Jaasim Mubarak Ali, Francisco Hernandez Perez, Aliou Sow and Hong Im SAE International Journal of Engines 11(6) 743 (2018)
Duc-Khanh Nguyen, Tim Van Craeynest, Thomas Pillu, Jakob Coulier and Sebastian Verhelst 1 (2018)
The determination of the flow characteristics of a low-pressure vapor-phase injector with a dynamic method
Improvement in the stability of a turbocharger centrifugal compressor by tip leakage control
Saeed Mirzaee, Xinqian Zheng and Yun Lin Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering 231(5) 700 (2017)
Robust proportional ECMS control of a parallel hybrid electric vehicle
Wisdom Enang and Chris Bannister Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering 231(1) 99 (2017)
Impact of fuel molecular structure on auto-ignition behavior – Design rules for future high performance gasolines
Effects of N/C Ratio on Solidification Behaviors of Novel Nb-Bearing Austenitic Heat-Resistant Cast Steels for Exhaust Components of Gasoline Engines
Yinhui Zhang, Mei Li, Larry A. Godlewski, Jacob W. Zindel and Qiang Feng Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 48(3) 1151 (2017)
Modelling and control of hybrid electric vehicles (A comprehensive review)
A novel predictive semi-physical feed-forward turbocharging system transient control strategy based on mean-value turbocharger model
Huayin Tang, Colin Copeland, Sam Akehurst, Chris Brace, Peter Davies, Ludek Pohorelsky, Les Smith and Geoff Capon International Journal of Engine Research 18(8) 765 (2017)
Organic Rankine Cycles (ORC) for mobile applications – Economic feasibility in different transportation sectors
Coordinated Performance Optimization of a Variable Geometry Compressor With Model Predictive Control for a Turbocharged Diesel Engine
Junqiang Zhou, Lisa Fiorentini, Marcello Canova and Yue-Yun Wang IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology 24(3) 804 (2016)
Modeling for Estimation of Wave Action in Multi-Cylinder Turbocharged SI Engines
Design innovation in dynamic coupling of starting system for internal combustion engines
Alvaro Canto Michelotti and Jonny Carlos da Silva Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering 38(1) 177 (2016)
Effects of Cr and Nb addition on high-temperature tensile properties in austenitic cast steels used for turbo-charger application
Multi-objective optimization of a natural aspirated three-cylinder spark ignition engine using modified non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm and multicriteria decision making
Mohammad Hassan Shojaeefard, Abolfazl Khalkhali and Alireza Firouzgan Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy 8(2) (2016)
Fast Simulation of Wave Action in Engine Air Path Systems Using Model Order Reduction
Stephanie Stockar, Marcello Canova, Baitao Xiao, Wengang Dai and Julia Buckland SAE International Journal of Engines 9(3) 1398 (2016)
Convex Modeling and Sizing of Electrically Supercharged Internal Combustion Engine Powertrain
Sebastian F. Fischer, Veronika F. Groten, Johannes Brachmann, et al. The Minerals, Metals & Materials Series, Light Metals 2013 1031 (2016)
Component sizing for compound hybrid excavators
Qian Zhu, Qingfeng Wang and Qihuai Chen Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering 230(7) 969 (2016)
A review of the application of variable geometry turbines to the downsized gasoline engine
Huayin Tang, Andrew Pennycott, Sam Akehurst and Chris J Brace International Journal of Engine Research 16(6) 810 (2015)
Powertrain sizing of electrically supercharged internal combustion engine vehicles
One-dimensional simulations and experimental analysis of a wastegated turbine for automotive engines under unsteady flow conditions
Vincenzo De Bellis and Silvia Marelli Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering 229(13) 1801 (2015)
Scaling and dimensional methods to incorporate knock and flammability limits in models of high-efficiency gasoline and ethanol engines
Combined effects of cooled EGR and a higher geometric compression ratio on thermal efficiency improvement of a downsized boosted spark-ignition direct-injection engine