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Bend stiffener material estimation in full-scale bending-tension tests considering various loading conditions
Yangye He, Marcelo Caire, Irving David Hernandez and Murilo Augusto Vaz Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering 44(4) (2022)
Full-scale experimental and numerical analyses of a flexible riser under combined tension-bending loading
Application of analytical model in the prediction of dynamic responses and fatigue damage of flexible risers: Part I – Improvement of analytical model considering shear deformation and varying tension effects
Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Industrial Engineering (ICIE 2019)
D. V. Kasharin, S. A. Kalmikov and O. A. Surzhko Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Industrial Engineering (ICIE 2019) 1357 (2020)
Estimation of flexible riser curvature distribution and bend stiffener polyurethane behavior using the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm in full scale bending-tension tests
End Fitting Effect on Stress Evaluation of Tensile Armor Tendons in Unbonded Flexible Pipes Under Axial Tension
Leilei Dong, Qi Zhang, Yi Huang, Gang Liu and Zhiyuan Li Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering 140(5) (2018)
Engineering Tools and Technologies of Freeing of the Stuck Metal Drilling String
Structural behavior assessment of a flexible pipe under axial compressive loads using digital image correlation
Rodrigo M. Amarante, Celso P. Pesce, Rafael C. Santiago, et al. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering 40(9) (2018)
Alternative Solutions of the Geodesic Differential Equations Applied to the Mechanical Analysis of the Tensile Armors of Flexible Pipes under Bending
Gabriel M. Gonzalez, João Paulo R. Cortina, José Renato M. de Sousa and Luis Volnei S. Sagrilo Mathematical Problems in Engineering 2018 1 (2018)
Helical wire stress analysis of unbonded flexible riser under irregular response
Fatigue Damage Study of Helical Wires in Catenary Unbonded Flexible Riser Near Touchdown Point
Kunpeng Wang, Chunyan Ji, Hongxiang Xue and Wenyong Tang Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering 139(5) (2017)
A Finite Element Model for Prediction of the Bending Stress of Umbilicals
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Dynamic analysis of unbonded flexible pipe with bend stiffener constraint and bending hysteretic behavior