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Failure characteristic analysis of tensile armour layer of unbonded flexible riser under axial compression

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End Fitting Effect on Stress Evaluation of Tensile Armor Tendons in Unbonded Flexible Pipes Under Axial Tension

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Structural behavior assessment of a flexible pipe under axial compressive loads using digital image correlation

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Alternative Solutions of the Geodesic Differential Equations Applied to the Mechanical Analysis of the Tensile Armors of Flexible Pipes under Bending

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Slip and stress of tensile armors in unbonded flexible pipes close to end fitting considering an exponentially decaying curvature distribution

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Fatigue Damage Study of Helical Wires in Catenary Unbonded Flexible Riser Near Touchdown Point

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A Finite Element Model for Prediction of the Bending Stress of Umbilicals

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The tensile armour behaviour of unbonded flexible pipes close to end fittings under axial tension

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Validity and limitation of analytical models for the bending stress of a helical wire in unbonded flexible pipes

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Bending behavior modeling of unbonded flexible pipes considering tangential compliance of interlayer contact interfaces and shear deformations

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