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Corrosion Problems and Solutions in Oil Refining and Petrochemical Industry
Alec Groysman Topics in Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality, Corrosion Problems and Solutions in Oil Refining and Petrochemical Industry 32 37 (2017)
Application of low field NMR as an alternative technique to quantification of total acid number and sulphur content in petroleum from Brazilian reservoirs
Analysis of tert-butyldimethylsilyl derivatives in heavy gas oil from brazilian naphthenic acids by gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry with electron impact ionization
Maria Cecília Vaz de Campos, Eniz Conceição Oliveira, Pedro José Sanches Filho, Clarisse Maria Sartori Piatnicki and Elina Bastos Caramão Journal of Chromatography A 1105(1-2) 95 (2006)
Naphthenic acids, total acid number and sulfur content profile characterization in Isthmus and Maya crude oils
Identification of Naphthenic Acids and Other Corrosivity-Related Characteristics in Crude Oil and Vacuum Gas Oils from a Mexican Refinery
Georgina C. Laredo, Carla R. López, Regina E. Álvarez, J. Jesús Castillo and José L. Cano Energy & Fuels 18(6) 1687 (2004)
Influence of biodegradation on crude oil acidity and carboxylic acid composition