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Experimental Investigation of a Novel Alumina Nanomaterial Reinforced Particle Gel System for Water Shut-off Jobs in Heterogeneous Reservoirs: Fabrication, Characterization, and Performance Assessment
Gelation studies of high molecular weight polymeric nanoparticles for application in fractured oil reservoirs with harsh conditions
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Nanocomposite gels for water shut-off and temporary plugging in the petroleum industry: a review
Juan Du, Qiang Wang, Pingli Liu, Gang Xiong, Pengfei Chen, Xiang Chen and Jinming Liu Petroleum Science and Technology 41(23) 2204 (2023)
A systematic multi-scale experimental investigation of a newly developed halloysite nanotubes reinforced preformed particle gel for improving oil recovery from heterogeneous reservoir: Synthesis, characterization, optimization and performance assessment
Comprehensive review on the research and field application of preformed particle gel conformance control technology
Mina Seidy Esfahlan, Elnaz Khodapanah and Seyyed Alireza Tabatabaei-Nezhad Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 202 108440 (2021)
Polyvinylpyrrolidone-resorcinol-formaldehyde hydrogel system reinforced with bio-synthesized zinc-oxide for water shut-off in heterogeneous reservoir: An experimental investigation
Reena, Abhinav Kumar, Vartika Srivastava, Vikas Mahto and Abhay Kumar Choubey Oil & Gas Science and Technology – Revue d’IFP Energies nouvelles 76 67 (2021)
Reinforced preformed particle gel: Synthesis, characterization and performance evaluation for water shut-off jobs in heterogeneous reservoir