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Load Management of Modular Battery Using Model Predictive Control: Thermal and State-of-Charge Balancing

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Gain-Scheduled Control of Modular Battery for Thermal and State-of-Charge Balancing * *The work was supported by the Chalmers Energy Initiative.

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A thermal management system for the battery pack of a hybrid electric vehicle: modeling and control

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On Estimating Instantaneous Temperature of a Supercapacitor String Using an Observer Based on Experimentally Validated Lumped Thermal Model

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IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion 30 (4) 1438 (2015)

Nonlinear Adaptive Observer for a Lithium-Ion Battery Cell Based on Coupled Electrochemical–Thermal Model

S. Dey, B. Ayalew and P. Pisu
Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control 137 (11) (2015)

Multiple model estimator based detection of abnormal cell overheating in a Li-ion battery string with minimum number of temperature sensors

Vita Lystianingrum, Branislav Hredzak and Vassilios G. Agelidis
Journal of Power Sources 273 1171 (2015)

Electro-thermal Control of Modular Battery using Model Predictive Control with Control Projections

Faisal Altai, Bo Egardt and Lars Johannesson
IFAC-PapersOnLine 48 (15) 368 (2015)