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Effect of oxidation degree of iron-based oxygen carriers on their mechanical strength

Victor Purnomo, Robin Faust, Lidiya Abdisa Ejjeta, Tobias Mattisson and Henrik Leion
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Steel converter slag as an oxygen carrier for chemical-looping gasification

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Quantifying the role and value of chemical looping combustion in future electricity systems via a retrosynthetic approach

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Modification of traditionally impregnated Fe2O3/Al2O3 oxygen carriers by ultrasonic method and their performance in chemical looping combustion

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Improvements in reaction kinetics and stability of ilmenite as oxygen carrier by surface modification with calcium titanate in redox cycles of chemical-looping systems

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Use of natural ores as oxygen carriers in chemical looping combustion: A review

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Development of CaMn0.775Mg0.1Ti0.125O3-δ oxygen carriers produced from different Mn and Ti sources

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Development and performance of iron based oxygen carriers containing calcium ferrites for chemical looping combustion and production of hydrogen

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Chemical-looping combustion of solid fuels in a 100 kW dual circulating fluidized bed system using iron ore as oxygen carrier

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Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 4 (1) 1029 (2016)

Studies on the redox reaction kinetics of selected, naturally occurring oxygen carrier

Ewelina Ksepko, Piotr Babinski, Antigoni Evdou and Lori Nalbandian
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Effect of Production Parameters on the Spray-Dried Calcium Manganite Oxygen Carriers for Chemical-Looping Combustion

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Calcium and Chemical Looping Technology for Power Generation and Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Capture

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Use of synthetic oxygen carriers for Chemical Looping Combustion of Victorian brown coal

S. Rajendran, S. Zhang, R. Xiao and S. Bhattacharya
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Effect of support on redox stability of iron oxide for chemical looping conversion of methane

Nathan L. Galinsky, Arya Shafiefarhood, Yanguang Chen, Luke Neal and Fanxing Li
Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 164 371 (2015)

Chemical-Looping Combustion With Gaseous Fuels: Thermodynamic Parametric Modeling

Mohammad M. Hossain
Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering 39 (5) 3415 (2014)

Sewage sludge ash as an alternative low-cost oxygen carrier for chemical looping combustion

Ewelina Ksepko
Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry 116 (3) 1395 (2014)

Examination of oxygen uncoupling behaviour and reactivity towards methane for manganese silicate oxygen carriers in chemical-looping combustion

Dazheng Jing, Mehdi Arjmand, Tobias Mattisson, et al.
International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 29 70 (2014)

The use of ilmenite as oxygen carrier with kerosene in a 300 W CLC laboratory reactor with continuous circulation

Patrick Moldenhauer, Magnus Rydén, Tobias Mattisson, Mourad Younes and Anders Lyngfelt
Applied Energy 113 1846 (2014)

Cu-Modified Manganese Ore as an Oxygen Carrier for Chemical Looping Combustion

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Energy & Fuels 28 (11) 7085 (2014)

Chemical-Looping Combustion with Fuel Oil in a 10 kW Pilot Plant

Patrick Moldenhauer, Magnus Rydén, Tobias Mattisson, et al.
Energy & Fuels 28 (9) 5978 (2014)

Investigation of perovskite supported composite oxides for chemical looping conversion of syngas

Yanguang Chen, Nathan Galinsky, Ziren Wang and Fanxing Li
Fuel 134 521 (2014)

On a Highly Reactive Fe2O3/Al2O3 Oxygen Carrier for in Situ Gasification Chemical Looping Combustion

Daofeng Mei, Alberto Abad, Haibo Zhao, Juan Adánez and Chuguang Zheng
Energy & Fuels 28 (11) 7043 (2014)

Examination of Perovskite Structure CaMnO3-δwith MgO Addition as Oxygen Carrier for Chemical Looping with Oxygen Uncoupling Using Methane and Syngas

Dazheng Jing, Tobias Mattisson, Henrik Leion, Magnus Rydén and Anders Lyngfelt
International Journal of Chemical Engineering 2013 1 (2013)

Performance of Fe2O3/CaSO4 composite oxygen carrier on inhibition of sulfur release in calcium-based chemical looping combustion

Shuai Zhang, Rui Xiao, Jian Liu and Sankar Bhattacharya
International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 17 1 (2013)

Iron Oxide with Facilitated O2– Transport for Facile Fuel Oxidation and CO2 Capture in a Chemical Looping Scheme

Nathan L. Galinsky, Yan Huang, Arya Shafiefarhood and Fanxing Li
ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 1 (3) 364 (2013)

Synergetic effects of mixed copper–iron oxides oxygen carriers in chemical looping combustion

Ranjani Siriwardane, Hanjing Tian, Thomas Simonyi and James Poston
Fuel 108 319 (2013)

Performance of a bauxite waste as oxygen-carrier for chemical-looping combustion using coal as fuel

T. Mendiara, P. Gayán, A. Abad, et al.
Fuel Processing Technology 109 57 (2013)

Biomass combustion in a CLC system using an iron ore as an oxygen carrier

T. Mendiara, A. Abad, L.F. de Diego, et al.
International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 19 322 (2013)

Fluidized Bed Technologies for Near-Zero Emission Combustion and Gasification

A. Lyngfelt
Fluidized Bed Technologies for Near-Zero Emission Combustion and Gasification 895 (2013)

Evaluation of the use of different coals in Chemical Looping Combustion using a bauxite waste as oxygen carrier

T. Mendiara, F. García-Labiano, P. Gayán, A. Abad, L.F. de Diego and J. Adánez
Fuel 106 814 (2013)

Low-Cost Fe-Based Oxygen Carrier Materials for the iG-CLC Process with Coal. 2

A. Abad, A. Cuadrat, T. Mendiara, et al.
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 51 (50) 16230 (2012)

Progress in Chemical-Looping Combustion and Reforming technologies

Juan Adanez, Alberto Abad, Francisco Garcia-Labiano, Pilar Gayan and Luis F. de Diego
Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 38 (2) 215 (2012)

Effect of H2S on Chemical Looping Combustion of Coal-Derived Synthesis Gas over Fe–Mn Oxides Supported on Sepiolite, ZrO2, and Al2O3

Ewelina Ksepko, Ranjani V. Siriwardane, Hanjing Tian, Thomas Simonyi and Marek Sciazko
Energy & Fuels 26 (4) 2461 (2012)

Testing of minerals and industrial by-products as oxygen carriers for chemical-looping combustion in a circulating fluidized-bed 300W laboratory reactor

Patrick Moldenhauer, Magnus Rydén and Anders Lyngfelt
Fuel 93 351 (2012)

Use of Fe2O3-Containing Industrial Wastes As the Oxygen Carrier for Chemical-Looping Combustion of Coal: Effects of Pressure and Cycles

Shuai Zhang, Chiranjib Saha, Yichao Yang, Sankar Bhattacharya and Rui Xiao
Energy & Fuels 25 (10) 4357 (2011)

Oxidation and Reduction of Iron-Titanium Oxides in Chemical Looping Combustion: A Phase-Chemical Description

P. den Hoed and A. Luckos
Oil & Gas Science and Technology – Revue d’IFP Energies nouvelles 66 (2) 249 (2011)

Influence of Lime Addition to Ilmenite in Chemical-Looping Combustion (CLC) with Solid Fuels

Guillaume Teyssié, Henrik Leion, Georg L. Schwebel, Anders Lyngfelt and Tobias Mattisson
Energy & Fuels 25 (8) 3843 (2011)