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Uniform-Design-Based Optimization for Fuel Reactor of Chemical Looping Combustion
Yaming Liu, Shi Liu, Yongxin Feng, Kai Xu and Haibo Zhao International Journal of Chemical Reactor Engineering 15(6) (2017)
Reduction and Oxidation Kinetics of a CaMn0.9Mg0.1O3−δ Oxygen Carrier for Chemical-Looping Combustion
Luis F. de Diego, Alberto Abad, Arturo Cabello, et al. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 53(1) 87 (2014)
CFD modeling to study fluidized bed combustion and gasification
Progress in Chemical-Looping Combustion and Reforming technologies
Juan Adanez, Alberto Abad, Francisco Garcia-Labiano, Pilar Gayan and Luis F. de Diego Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 38(2) 215 (2012)