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Paleostress evolution of the Outer Kwanza basin (offshore Angola); comparison with the Congo basin and implications for the tectonic history of the Central segment of the West Africa passive margin
Boubacar Bah, Olivier Lacombe, Nicolas E. Beaudoin, Pierre-Alexandre Teboul, Jean-Pierre Girard and Claude Gout Journal of African Earth Sciences 218 105382 (2024)
Calcite fabric development in calc-mylonite during progressive shallowing of a shear zone: An example from the South Tibetan Detachment system (Kali Gandaki valley, Central Himalaya)
Paleostress evolution of the West Africa passive margin: New insights from calcite twinning paleopiezometry in the deeply buried syn-rift TOCA formation (Lower Congo basin)
Boubacar Bah, Olivier Lacombe, Nicolas E. Beaudoin, Aniès Zeboudj, Claude Gout, Jean-Pierre Girard and Pierre-Alexandre Teboul Tectonophysics 863 229997 (2023)
Deformation Sequence and Paleofluids in Carbonate Buckle Folds Under Transpression (Pag Anticline, External Dinarides, Croatia)
Depicting past stress history at passive margins: A combination of calcite twinning and stylolite roughness paleopiezometry in supra-salt Sendji deep carbonates, Lower Congo Basin, west Africa
Aniès Zeboudj, Boubacar Bah, Olivier Lacombe, Nicolas E. Beaudoin, Claude Gout, Nicolas Godeau, Jean-Pierre Girard and Pierre Deschamps Marine and Petroleum Geology 152 106219 (2023)
How the geochemistry of syn-kinematic calcite cement depicts past fluid flow and assists structural interpretations: a review of concepts and applications in orogenic forelands
Dating folding beyond folding, from layer-parallel shortening to fold tightening, using mesostructures: lessons from the Apennines, Pyrenees, and Rocky Mountains
Olivier Lacombe, Nicolas E. Beaudoin, Guilhem Hoareau, Aurélie Labeur, Christophe Pecheyran and Jean-Paul Callot Solid Earth 12(10) 2145 (2021)
Natural mineralized fractures from the Montney-Doig unconventional reservoirs (Western Canada Sedimentary Basin): Timing and controlling factors
Paleostress Analysis from Calcite Twins at the Longshan Dome (Central Hunan, South China): Mesozoic Mega-Fold Superimposition in the Reworked Continent
Carbonate clumped isotope thermometry of fault rocks and its possibilities: tectonic implications from calcites within Himalayan Frontal Fold-Thrust Belt
Does stress transmission in forelands depend on structural style? Distinctive stress magnitudes during Sevier thin‐skinned and Laramide thick‐skinned layer‐parallel shortening in the Bighorn Basin (USA) revealed by stylolite and calcite twinning paleopiezometry
Nicolas Beaudoin, Olivier Lacombe, Marie‐Eléonore David and Daniel Koehn Terra Nova 32(3) 225 (2020)
Inversion of polyphase calcite-twin data for deviatoric stress tensors: 2. Application to the Huangling Dome, northern South China
Regional-scale paleofluid system across the Tuscan Nappe–Umbria–Marche Apennine Ridge (northern Apennines) as revealed by mesostructural and isotopic analyses of stylolite–vein networks
Nicolas E. Beaudoin, Aurélie Labeur, Olivier Lacombe, Daniel Koehn, Andrea Billi, Guilhem Hoareau, Adrian Boyce, Cédric M. John, Marta Marchegiano, Nick M. Roberts, Ian L. Millar, Fanny Claverie, Christophe Pecheyran and Jean-Paul Callot Solid Earth 11(4) 1617 (2020)
Intragranular deformation mechanisms in calcite deformed by high-pressure torsion at room temperature
Synchrony evolution of two contradictory prograding Gilbert-type deltas at the margins of the foreland basin (case study from the Neogene Western Carpathian Foredeep)
Recent and future trends in paleopiezometry in the diagenetic domain: Insights into the tectonic paleostress and burial depth history of fold-and-thrust belts and sedimentary basins
Inversion of calcite twin data for paleostress orientations and magnitudes: A new technique tested and calibrated on numerically-generated and natural data
Combining geophysical data and calcite twin stress inversion to refine the tectonic history of subsurface and offshore provinces: A case study on the Cooper-Eromanga Basin, Australia
Fault-controlled, bedding-parallel dolomite in the middle Jurassic Samana Suk Formation in Margalla Hill Ranges, Khanpur area (North Pakistan): petrography, geochemistry, and petrophysical characteristics
Fingerprinting stress: Stylolite and calcite twinning paleopiezometry revealing the complexity of progressive stress patterns during folding—The case of the Monte Nero anticline in the Apennines, Italy
Nicolas Beaudoin, Daniel Koehn, Olivier Lacombe, Alexandre Lecouty, Andrea Billi, Einat Aharonov and Camille Parlangeau Tectonics 35(7) 1687 (2016)
A review of deformation pattern templates in foreland basin systems and fold-and-thrust belts: Implications for the state of stress in the frontal regions of thrust wedges
Determination of the tectonic evolution from fractures, faults, and calcite twins on the southwestern margin of the Indochina Block
Francesco Arboit, Khalid Amrouch, Alan S. Collins, Rosalind King and Christopher Morley Tectonics 34(8) 1576 (2015)
Inversion of calcite twin data, paleostress reconstruction and multiphase weak deformation in cratonic interior – Evidence from the Proterozoic Cuddapah basin, India
The fracture network, a proxy for mesoscale deformation: Constraints on layer parallel shortening history from the Malargüe fold and thrust belt, Argentina
Evolution of pore-fluid pressure during folding and basin contraction in overpressured reservoirs: Insights from the Madison–Phosphoria carbonate formations in the Bighorn Basin (Wyoming, USA)
Paleostress reconstruction from calcite twin and fault–slip data using the multiple inverse method in the East Walanae fault zone: Implications for the Neogene contraction in South Sulawesi, Indonesia
Structural and microstructural evolution of the Rattlesnake Mountain Anticline (Wyoming, USA): New insights into the Sevier and Laramide orogenic stress build-up in the Bighorn Basin
Paleostress magnitudes in folded sedimentary rocks
Khalid Amrouch, Nicolas Beaudoin, Olivier Lacombe, Nicolas Bellahsen and Jean-Marc Daniel Geophysical Research Letters 38(17) n/a (2011)