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Inversion of polyphase calcite twin data for deviatoric stress tensors: 1. A novel numerical approach

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Recent and future trends in paleopiezometry in the diagenetic domain: Insights into the tectonic paleostress and burial depth history of fold-and-thrust belts and sedimentary basins

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Inversion of calcite twin data for paleostress orientations and magnitudes: A new technique tested and calibrated on numerically-generated and natural data

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4D modelling of fault reactivation using complete paleostress tensors from the Cooper–Eromanga Basin, Australia

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Palaeostress magnitudes in the Khao Khwang fold-thrust belt, new insights into the tectonic evolution of the Indosinian orogeny in central Thailand

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Using neutron diffraction to examine the onset of mechanical twinning in calcite rocks

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Combining geophysical data and calcite twin stress inversion to refine the tectonic history of subsurface and offshore provinces: A case study on the Cooper-Eromanga Basin, Australia

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Tectonics 36 (3) 515 (2017)

Recent advancement and applications of stress tensor inversion techniques

Katsushi Sato, Makoto Otsubo and Atsushi Yamaji
The Journal of the Geological Society of Japan 123 (6) 391 (2017)

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Geological Magazine 154 (2) 201 (2017)

Fault-controlled, bedding-parallel dolomite in the middle Jurassic Samana Suk Formation in Margalla Hill Ranges, Khanpur area (North Pakistan): petrography, geochemistry, and petrophysical characteristics

Mumtaz Muhammad Shah, Waqar Ahmed, Naveed Ahsan and Mona Lisa
Arabian Journal of Geosciences 9 (5) (2016)

Fingerprinting stress: Stylolite and calcite twinning paleopiezometry revealing the complexity of progressive stress patterns during folding—The case of the Monte Nero anticline in the Apennines, Italy

Nicolas Beaudoin, Daniel Koehn, Olivier Lacombe, Alexandre Lecouty, Andrea Billi, Einat Aharonov and Camille Parlangeau
Tectonics 35 (7) 1687 (2016)

A review of deformation pattern templates in foreland basin systems and fold-and-thrust belts: Implications for the state of stress in the frontal regions of thrust wedges

S. Tavani, F. Storti, O. Lacombe, et al.
Earth-Science Reviews 141 82 (2015)

Determination of the tectonic evolution from fractures, faults, and calcite twins on the southwestern margin of the Indochina Block

Francesco Arboit, Khalid Amrouch, Alan S. Collins, Rosalind King and Christopher Morley
Tectonics 34 (8) 1576 (2015)

Inversion of calcite twin data, paleostress reconstruction and multiphase weak deformation in cratonic interior – Evidence from the Proterozoic Cuddapah basin, India

Vikash Tripathy and Dilip Saha
Journal of Structural Geology 77 62 (2015)

The fracture network, a proxy for mesoscale deformation: Constraints on layer parallel shortening history from the Malargüe fold and thrust belt, Argentina

M. Branellec, J. P. Callot, B. Nivière and J. C. Ringenbach
Tectonics 34 (4) 623 (2015)

Structural and fluid evolution of Saraburi Group sedimentary carbonates, central Thailand: A tectonically driven fluid system

John Warren, Chris Morley, Thasinee Charoentitirat, et al.
Marine and Petroleum Geology (2014)

Evolution of pore-fluid pressure during folding and basin contraction in overpressured reservoirs: Insights from the Madison–Phosphoria carbonate formations in the Bighorn Basin (Wyoming, USA)

Nicolas Beaudoin, Olivier Lacombe, Nicolas Bellahsen, Khalid Amrouch and Jean-Marc Daniel
Marine and Petroleum Geology 55 214 (2014)

Paleostress reconstruction from calcite twin and fault–slip data using the multiple inverse method in the East Walanae fault zone: Implications for the Neogene contraction in South Sulawesi, Indonesia

Asri Jaya and Osamu Nishikawa
Journal of Structural Geology 55 34 (2013)

Contribution of Studies of Sub-Seismic Fracture Populations to Paleo-Hydrological Reconstructions (Bighorn Basin, USA)

Nicolas Beaudoin, Olivier Lacombe, Nicolas Bellahsen and Laurent Emmanuel
Procedia Earth and Planetary Science 7 57 (2013)

Structural and microstructural evolution of the Rattlesnake Mountain Anticline (Wyoming, USA): New insights into the Sevier and Laramide orogenic stress build-up in the Bighorn Basin

Nicolas Beaudoin, Rémi Leprêtre, Nicolas Bellahsen, et al.
Tectonophysics 576-577 20 (2012)

Do fault slip data inversions actually yield “paleostresses” that can be compared with contemporary stresses? A critical discussion

Olivier Lacombe
Comptes Rendus. Géoscience 344 (3-4) 159 (2012)

Paleostress magnitudes in folded sedimentary rocks

Khalid Amrouch, Nicolas Beaudoin, Olivier Lacombe, Nicolas Bellahsen and Jean-Marc Daniel
Geophysical Research Letters 38 (17) n/a (2011)