Open Access

Table 4

The results of the studies under Q = 1044 m3/h.

∅426 × 7 mm AI-95 + AI-92 AI-92 + AI-80 AI-80 + AI-76 ΔH ΔP
Summer (South-North) 69.676 68.745 68.114 600.395 4.136
Summer (North-South) 70.477 69.523 68.877 603.908 4.162
Summer (Isothermal) 73.266 72.231 71.529 616.138 4.252
Winter (Isothermal) 83.865 82.539 81.638 664.242 4.581
Winter (South-North) 84.192 82.857 81.950 665.611 4.591
Winter (North-South) 85.615 84.243 83.311 671.356 4.634

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