Open Access

Table 10

ANOVA with Tukey HSD post-hoc test for total count of particles at 100% engine load.

α = 0.05 Sum of Squares Degrees of freedom Variance F-value
Between groups 32.3468 × 1011 2 1.6173 × 1011 600.796
Within groups 5.5993 × 1010 208 2.692 × 108
Total 37.9461 × 1011 210

Tukey HSD post-hoc test.

D100 vs. R20B10D70: Diff = −78 037.7452, 95% CI = −85 111.5904 to −70 963.9000, p = 0.0000.

D100 vs. R20B20D60: Diff = −80 599.9411, 95% CI = −86 634.9224 to −74 564.9598, p = 0.0000.

R20B10D70 vs. R20B20D60: Diff = −2562.1959, 95% CI = −9744.4253 to 4620.0335, p = 0.6774.

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