Fig. 6
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FE-SEM and thin section pictures of chlorite and authigenic quartz. (a) There are a few chlorite rim or even no chlorite rim in the point-to-line contact of particles, and chlorite rim can still be seen in the unconnected pore surrounded by multiple particles, S4, 2174.53 m; (b) At the site of intergranular pore development, chlorite rim is thicker and stained with particles, S8, 2287.45 m; (c) The authigenic quartz developed after the formation of pore-lining chlorite has a good crystalline form. A small amount of lamellar chlorite can be seen embedded in quartz crystals, a S3, 2192.6 m; (d) Grain-coating chlorite develops on the surface of feldspar minerals, and lamellar chlorite develops in dissolution pore, S2, 2138.1 m.