Engine Combustion Network – France
Open Access

Table 5

Summary of OH* chemiluminescence set-ups.

Detector type Photron SA-Z + Lambert instrument High-speed intensifier ICCD Photron APX12 Newport PM 706080 Photron SA-Z + intensifier Hamamatsu ICCD camera Princeton Pimax 4
Collecting lens 100 mm UV f/2.4 Lens UV 60 mm f/3.5 n.a. UV lens 50 mm f/1.4
Filter 310 ± 5 nm SBP Asahi 310 nm BPF 307 nm ± 10 nm SBP Asahi 310 nm
FWHM 10 nm FWHM 10 nm
Frame speed 50 kHz 2 kHz 250 kHz 45 kHz 5 Hz
Exposure time 3 μs 499 μs n.a. 2.5 μs 1 ms
Timing after SOI 1500–3000 μs 500–1500 μs and 2000–3000 μs
Image size (pi2) 384 × 768 512 × 1024 n.a. 384 × 968 1024 × 1024
Magnification 10.5 pix/mm 18.2 pix/mm n.a. 19.8 pix/mm 18 pix/mm

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