Open Access

Table 4

Evaluation of the compliance of the straight-run diesel fuel to the requirements of [36].

Property Straight-run diesel fuel Fuel grade
Summer Inter-season Winter Arctic
Cetane index, points 46.7 Minimum
Density at 15 °C, kg/m3 835.1 Maximum Maximum Maximum
863.4 843.4 833.5
Viscosity at 20 °C, mm2/s 3.250 3.0–6.0 1.8–5.0 1.5–4.0
Fractional composition, °C
50 vol% distillation temperature 251 Maximum Maximum
280 255
95 vol% distillation temperature 344 Maximum
Cold filter plugging point, °C −15 Maximum Maximum Maximum Maximum
−5 −15 −35 −45
Total sulphur content, mg/kg 1859 Maximum

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