Dynamics of sedimentary basins and underlying lithosphere at plate boundaries: The Eastern Mediterranean
Open Access

Table 2

Model assumptions, corresponding field stresses, and pore pressure at the approximate reference depth of the study sandstones zone.

Parameter Value (MPa)
Vertical stress, Sv 90.7
Maximum horizontal stress, SHmax
 Normal faulting regime 81.0
 Strike-slipping regime 120.6
Minimum horizontal stress, Shmin
 Normal faulting regime 71.4
 Strike-slipping regime 81.0
Hydrostatic pressure, Pw 51.1
Pore pressure, Pp 62.2
Fracture pressure, Pfrac (NF) 71.4
Fracture pressure, Pfrac (SS) 81.0
Effective Vertical stress, σv 28.5
Effective Maximum horizontal stress, σHmax
 Normal faulting regime 18.8
 Strike-slipping regime 58.4
Effective Minimum horizontal stress, σhmin
 Normal faulting regime 9.2
 Strike-slipping regime 18.8

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