Open Access

Table 4

Parameters of the Jubarte case study.

Number of platforms available 2 2
Number of manifolds available 2 2
Number of wells available 27 27
Number of universes 10 000 10,000
Production capacity of platform 1 60 000 bbl/d 1.10 × 10−01 m3/s
Production capacity of platform 2 250 000 bbl/d 4.60 × 10−01 m3/s
Production capacity of manifold 1 6 000 bbl/d 1.10 × 10−02 m3/s
Production capacity of manifold 2 12 000 bbl/d 2.21 × 10−02 m3/s
Pipeline diameter 6 in 0.1524 m
Flowline diameter 18.5 in 0.47 m
Absolute roughness of the pipeline 0.024 in 6.10 × 10−04 m
Absolute roughness of the flowline 0.024 in 6.10 × 10−04 m
Fluid density 17.7° API 952.86 kg/m3
Fluid viscosity 68.5 cP 0.0685 Pa.s

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