Dossier: SimRace 2015: Numerical Methods and High Performance Computing for Industrial Fluid Flows
Open Access

Table 3

The convergence of the s-step BiCGStab, split orthonormalized s-step BiCGStab and their modified versions with monomial basis, for different s values, compared to BiCGStab. The s-Step Iterations (SI) and the Total Iterations (TI) are shown. The number of total iterations is equal to the number of s-step iterations times s.

Matrix BiCGStab
s s-Step
Split ortho s-step
Modified s-step
Modified split ortho s-step
2 99 198 91 182 89 178 90 180
3 61 183 62 186 59 177 61 183
GCS2K 193 4 45 180 47 188 46 184 50 200
5 41 205 41 205 38 190 38 190
6 34 204 33 198 36 216 35 210
2 2813 5626 1266 2532 1980 3960 1566 3132
3 1065 3195 1240 3720 1924 5772 1013 3039
CantaF3 4472 4 5510 22 040 801 3204 4824 19 296 947 3788
5 1228 6140 3612 18 060 2658 13 290 774 3870
6 662 3972 1079 6474 623 3738 1072 6432
2 2438 4876 1682 3364 2144 4288 1829 3658
3 1756 5268 1345 4035 1712 5136 1200 3600
SPE10 4744 4 1215 4860 752 3008 1137 4548 862 3448
5 1032 5160 752 3760 1021 5105 567 2835
6 758 4548 506 3036 856 5136 548 3288
2 1867 3734 1778 3556 1721 3442 2571 5142
3 1249 3747 1288 3864 1568 4704 1158 3474
HIS 4721 4 1631 6524 1213 4852 1107 4428 1100 4400
5 1013 5065 1007 5035 808 4040 869 4345
6 699 4194 624 3744 685 4110 676 4056

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