Editorial committee
The Editorial Committee is made up of prominent professionals of different nationalities, drawn from universities and from industry.
Grégoire ALLAIRE | Centre de mathématiques appliquées École Polytechnique, Palaiseau (Applied mathematics, computer science) |
Pierre BÉREST | Laboratoire de mécaniques des solides École Polytechnique, Palaiseau (Geotechnics, rock mechanics) |
Didier BONIJOLY | BRGM, Orléans (Geosciences, geothermy) |
Sylvain CAILLOL | ICGM, ENSCM, Montpellier (Green chemistry) |
Sébastien CANDEL | École Centrale de Paris (CFD of combustion) |
Bruno CHAUDRET | Laboratoire de physique et chimie des nano-objets, INSA, Toulouse (Catalysis, nano chemistry, coordination chemistry) |
Bénédicte CUENOT | CERFACS, Toulouse (CFD of combustion) |
Mohamed GABSI | Laboratoire SATIE, ENS Paris-Saclay, Cachan (Electrical Engineering, Transportation Engineering) |
Erwan LE PENNEC | Centre de mathématiques appliquées Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau (Data science) |
Johan MARTENS | Université catholique de Louvain (Surface Chemistry and Catalysis) |
Nicolas PETIT | MINES ParisTech (Command, control, optimization) |
Christine ROUSSELLE | Laboratoire PRISME, Université d’Orléans ((Combustion) |
Stefania SPECCHIA | Department of Applied Science and Technology, Politecnico di Torino (Catalysis, Chemical Engineering) |
Sophie VIOLETTE | Laboratoire de géologie, ENS Paris (Geosciences) |
Olga VIZIKA-KAVVADIAS | Direction Scientifique IFP Energies nouvelles |
OGST - Revue d'IFP Energies nouvelles is edited by:
Benoît NOETINGER | Editor in Chief, IFP Energies nouvelles |
Honorary Members of the board of editors:
J. Barbier; R. Borghi; J. Chambert-Loir; J.-F. Christy; F.-X. de Charentenay; J. Dercourt; O. Faugeras; R. Geoffrois; P. Ladevèze; L. Mattavelli; G. Ourisson; A. Seigneurin; R. Wayne
R. Pelet (Editor in Chief 1999 - 2000); Y. Meimon (Editor in Chief 2001 - 2003);
J. Lynch (Editor in Chief 2003 - 2010 †);
F. Ropital (Editor in Chief 2010 - 2015); N. Bats (Editor in Chief 2016 - 2017)